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 Anyway I was looking for one particular childhood comic/manhua series called “Juara Wira”. Cant find them anywhere online except for Shopee 
 So I paid them 8 ringgit and got the entire collection, all 121 of them in pdf. Fediverse folks get to read them here, for a limited time only https://alicesmithschool-my.sharepoint.com/:f:/g/personal/mafif_jb_alice-smith_edu_my/EjGvLXbmhB9Cu0gIkR216bMB1dvTYZRvD_1I3VgFBytX6g?e=2Ed6gJ 
 Wait, the sharepoint link reveals my workplace domain. Later2 ah 
 @b30368b8 Sometimes you can find second hand ones on Carousell, I've seen some Malay translated manhua at second hand book shops but you really have to hunt.

There needs to be more done to document and preserve older Malaysian comic culture. A lot of the stuff from the 90s has been tossed out and we don't have much archived.