Oddbean new post about | logout
 Observation: No-coiners aren’t having fun being poor. Rather, they simply cannot bear to admit they were wrong about #Bitcoin, and thus view that admission as worse than being poor, even if only subconsciously.

In time, most will overcome this. https://image.nostr.build/6d1528555d1a1b07e52b2c3d41c5c4722c819c295addd98b8443537c9299c2a6.jpg  
 Admitting I was wrong about Bitcoin was the best decision I ever made  
 What made you change your mind?  
 I see plenty of people still wearing a face diaper. 
 they know where to find us 
 Depends on the relation between how poor they are now vs. what poor meant to them as a kid. Once they go under that threshold (a guarantee) they will come around.