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 What’s remarkable about the double slit experiment is how it reveals that modern man assumes he is a separate observer of the universe.

He is therefore shocked when he sees evidence that he is the universe. https://image.nostr.build/8fc5360206a8e25914bbfe51aa7d6f267a8fe2d2f3c60333678e54dd18587d63.jpg  
 That's the most absurd thing I've ever heard. It has nothing to do with what the double slit experiment shows. 
 I think the double slit experiment first of all proves multidimensionality. The camera recording interacts at a different level with the field than the human does. Different dimension, different frequency, different pattern. 
 If you really want a mindfuck go read about the erasure experiment. Turns out the information of the observation actually travels backwards through time as well.

Super simplified: they set up an experiment which would observe the slit, then after the wave function collapsed they “deleted” the information and the interference pattern was shown. 
 I saw a video on this. It's really mind blowing. Future affecting the past. I don't know what this means about free will.  
 Nothing because the interpretation is partly wrong. 
 I'm unusually wrong 🖖 
 It is seriously one of the most fascinating things I’ve ever learned about.

In a completely unscientific way, I believe it’s because we live in a simulation and the uncertainty principle is a computational efficiency algorithm. As an engineer, I would take shortcuts in order to best use resources. If I needed to calculate every particles exact position at all times that would require more processing power. By using a wave function it means you can calculate much more quickly, until a more precise calculation is required.

I personally grapple with the metaphysical implications of this for free will. I think there are other theories or evidence of true randomness (like a recent variation on a theory of quantum gravity) which could mean that we don’t live in a totally deterministic universe.

I just try to live the best life I can. My experience of consciousness is one with free will. If that’s an illusion I still experience free will so I think I can be happy with that. 
 Thanks, it's great to get the perspective of people that understand these things in a more technical level, since I don't have that. I'm with you on living as if you have free will, anything else is depressing but can be fascinating. What do you think of Universe's nature being of that of a simulation but not actually being a simulation of something more "real". Like it has behaviors and properties that we attribute to simulation, but this is just it's true nature.  
 That’s the big question. No one really knows and why physicists inch ever closer to answering it through experimentation. We may never know, but chasing the mystery is really cool anyway. Whatever the answer is there’s some really interesting things for us to learn. 

My belief that we live in a simulation is just that, a belief. I don’t claim any knowledge or insight that it’s true. It’s the only way I can zero out what we know so far in my mind. A lot of folks go to god to zero it. And maybe that’s not mutually exclusive with the simulation hypothesis. I just don’t believe in a personal god. 
 Free will?  I once had this conversation with a University professor who said there is no such thing as free will and that everything in life was predetermined.  I told him fine, then I was predetermined to believe that I have free will.  I don't think he could even understand that concept. 🤡🌎 
 That's a good answer. I'll use it in the future 😁🫡 
 Yea I’ve learned to be skeptical of anyone saying anything absolutely. Professors funny enough are some of the most dogmatic, irrational people I’ve ever had the displeasure of talking to. The academic system doesn’t reward outside the box thinking. 
 For computer people there are so many comparisons between the universe and computer graphics. 

Of course we render only what is visible. 

And that universe is discreet at plank level screams of pixels.  
 Yep and the quanta of fields and particles feel a lot like bits. 
 Oh wow 
 That's a way to interpret that is rather Narcissistic. 
 Love this analysis 🧡⚡️ 
 Love it 💜 
 My understanding of the phenomenon, (full disclosure, I haven't actually done the experiment nor know anyone who has, GASP!) is that the act of observing is absorbing or altering photons in the process of measuring which affects the measurement.  Yes we are part of the universe, but i believe only in a measuring kind of way and not the transcendental way.  but you never know for sure... "it is thee that hath made us and not we ourselves" (not to discount the participatory nature of being)... 
 I love this phenomenon and any thinking around it. Personally I don't think we "absorb photons" and so alter the state. 

I am more wondering what is an act of observing? 

I don't think the experiment will change if we put a chair there... But what about a plant.. Or ant.. Or Another mamal?  
 I think that two things are always equal and not equal at the same time. That is, for example, 1=0 and 1≠0. This statement is also wrong and true at the same time ;) 
 For anyone interested in what's ACTUALLY going on with the double slit experiment, watch this: https://youtu.be/p-MNSLsjjdo
 wew lad 2deep4me 
 The observer is the observed. 
 This is as profound as the #nostr error message I once received: "There is no universe." 
 This is the only good 58k meme I’ve seen 
 Wrong note:D