@6aa62169 RIP
@:ihavenomouth: can you make him french (add a beret, little french moustache, a baguette and maybe change his shirt into a black and white striped shirt)
@6aa62169 yes
@:ihavenomouth: you can make him brown too
@6aa62169 preview https://media.clubcyberia.co/pleroma/caa23985f3b4d06898dfa0814e52ddaafbf9bd23a7d8b8b5f27e2fdd6b003e4d.png
@:ihavenomouth: quiggeur
@6aa62169 turns out this anatomy makes no sense, and I can't redraw it because I don't have a tablet with me. Striped hoodie looks good though https://media.clubcyberia.co/pleroma/36fa2e555f836bdc610abc656bd41f7504e9757d8e400c40e0af2c2b72ce656d.png https://media.clubcyberia.co/pleroma/1fd71920a1729b3957b0ec74008bd546ad4a9238732368bd1c60560a0758ec03.png
@:ihavenomouth: the second one is :quiggeur: @cassidyclown
@6aa62169 @cassidyclown :quiggeure: