I’ve seen the other side of that fence. The one where the women are 35 and single, over employed with career paths to the sky. Free to do whatever they want held down by no one. Drinking out at bars in packs with all their friends, all while swiping left and right and desperate.
Not just for attention, but connection and purpose, body clocks ticking and alarm bells ringing. Fucked fifty people last year, men and women, but can’t find anyone that fulfills them. all fighting over the same scraps of men discarded for good reason by another, or too impatient to build the one they want because their bodies are screaming that they’ve run out of time.
35 is almost too late, to make this decision, really.
But it says a lot about how unattractive the institution of marriage has become for women, that they delay, delay, delay...
Or maybe that’s just when the lights come on at the party.
There are thousands of women in New York City that have been head down grinding for that cheese and have climbed the ladder of success, only to reach a lookout and realize “oh fuck, I’m 35”
I'm out in a rural area, and the regret all runs the other way. Marry young, have kids, get divorced once the kids are older, join the party.
Women who marry later are actually less likely to divorce, but they struggle to have children.
The grass is always greener on the other side.