Ouch, I can't use srfi-64 test-group inside asyncronous code, because it uses dynamic-wind and re-entering fiber's continuation messes up test-runner output: https://git.savannah.gnu.org/cgit/guile.git/tree/module/srfi/srfi-64/testing.scm?h=0e9ccaf47#n443 #scheme #lisp https://cdn.fosstodon.org/media_attachments/files/111/023/210/400/313/573/original/8943a85a9df6bff3.png
@123e16e8 How about guile-tap instead?
Another good idea is to make assertions outside of async code.
@123e16e8 You might be have to define your own SRFI-64 test runner object that captures test outputs to a buffer specific to that one test, and then dump the buffer to stdout when the test completes. That way you can re-enter the continuation as often as you like, the output will only go into the buffer for that test.