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 If you are reluctant to call out bullshit because you fear it may jeopardize your social or economic capital, you are not free.  
 I’m not free, I charge a lot 
 Also it is cowardly behavior! Land of the free, home of the brave! Lol! Sadly a long lost trope… 
 Freedom doesn’t mean that i can do what i want (limbo, bigger house,…), nor does it mean i am free of anything (illness, insecurities,…)

True freedom means i am always aware of the bigger perspective, AND i find peace in that. 
 I can’t call out some bull shit that’s going on with my local school board. I am not free. But I have a plan to be truly free just going to take some testing 
 Important thing is you have a plan 
 In this instance you're still free, you're just not courageous. instantiated freedom requires both (plus competence)

 Fuck yeah 
 what if you grew used to living in chains and it's kinda fun to pull them around now? 
 Hmm, I suppose as long as you're the one pulling them and not someone else, then you ought to be free to do with your own chains as you wish. 
 The roots of circle jerking and simping 
 This is utter bullshit! You are not free, freedom is relative. You must breath, you must have social relations, you must have a place to live, and so on. And what do you do with the freedom you've been fighting for? You fill it with purpose! And then, you're not free anymore. You take on responsibilities, make promises to yourself and the world. And you continue to fight for your freedom to be able to fulfil your purpose even better. You'll need social, economic capital to succeed. And if you call out bullshit in the wrong place, or too much, or too cruel, you will be cut out from the social network and it will be hard to achieve your purpose alone.

But yeah, there is a point in time when you have to take that step and call bullshit on everyone around you, so as you can experience true perfect freedom for a few hours, days or even years, just to realize it's not what you wanted in the first place. 
 is an alternate opinion really BS? 
travel the world and you will find multiple ways to resolve the same problems. are they all wrong?

taking time to understand a point of view and consider its founding perspectives is vitaly important. in countries where education is easily accessible, assumptions that others are stupid are all to easily reached.
in a war torn country, where survival rules over 'education' are the citizens guilty of ignorance.

we are all different and that is one of the greatest joys of being a citizen of this planet. the abillity to learn about each other.

with great power (incl. feedom of speech) comes the need for great wisdom. telling somebody they are wrong, especially in anger ....
it seldom ends well. 
even when you win.

any change to a system (or a way of thinking), requires thought, learning, understanding, discussion (even robust debate) ..... if ever there was a time in history to be smarter, this is it.

'they' have been using cyops to divide us, lets use it for ourselves. It may take a while and that's OK, it wlll be worth it.
united we stand ...

btc + nostr =  great minds together .....anyone seeing the magic happening? 🙃  

 nobody is actually free, there is no free country's  