Codegen/AI are enabling a peak at this future, but it’s not fully here yet. Instead of downloading or building an app imagine you can just will it into existence to do the one workflow you need right now (and importantly it’s not built in a general way to do anything else so no extra features/learning/cruft).
Sounds like software is going to drop drastically in quantity, but jump in quantity. Codegen/AGI are useful but not paradigm shifting. Still some big computer science problems to solve.
I think it will jump in personalization which is a form of quality for any given person. And yes, it will also jump in quantity.
I don’t think people realize how much effort we invest today to understand how to use software for our specific purposes since it’s usually built in a very generalized way.
So more tailored software? If so, then disposable is really not the right word. Who throws away a bespoke jacket away?
I do see LLMs assisting in creating better education for how to code. There are other proven ways to make higher quality software and LLMs are not a part of that picture at this point in time.