Nobody should have a billion dollars. That would make everyones standard of living extremely high. Only the very greedy ignorant, and selfish would opposes such a redistribution of billionaire wealth.
Why shouldn't they?
There is no legitimate argument for why people shouldn't be able to have an amount of value. Anyone trying to dictate how much value a person can hold is a supporter of tyrants or the tyrant themselves.
Capitalists determne how much value people can have. Have you looked at the world today? Can I have all your money? Its a value I want.
What you are talking about isn't capitalism. It's central banking
Because greed is a sin. Look around the slums of the world. And ask yourself if they deserve it.
Why does the amount of money you have, have anything to do with greed? They have that money because they earned it.
Yes there are no greedy wealthy people.
greed is an economic constant. Everyone is greedy.
Not true. That is a myth peddled by capitalists. Everyone is susceptible to bad behavior, that does not mean everyone is choosing to behave badly. People are also highly keen on sharing. Capitalists spend an enormous amounts of energy trying to beat that instinct out of us through schooling and propaganda.