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 the feds never complain about signal. nostr:note1qqqy29072nvdvlqvx58wusuzd3uqekrtm74d8pprfqackeur78nqjzyta3 
 the feds I know/knew use Signal a lot. was standard for signal groups when going out for training or overseas.  
 Lot of faith they're putting in the locks and hinges on those backdoors 
 I knew Signal was pwnt when I started seeing it mentioned in news articles about Senate staff using it 
 i think signal has been pwnt for a long time

not even many people know that it was originally named "redphone"

i was using that back in 2013, and the hole thing swings around spam resistance based on SMS confirmation

as many people know, SMS is broken security a long time ago, so their entire business model is in the toilet since years 
 they have usernames and PINcodes now 
 also, if the gov wants to read your messages it doesn't matter if your messenger is double-ratchet-super-encrypted... they just ask the OS to read your whole screen.

its nice for ISP level privacy tho 
 yeah, there is so many battles we are still not even close to winning 
 Tucker Carlson was compromised on Signal