This post is for those genuinely interested in residing under LN as 2nd layer, with self-custody. Any completely new users I'd probably have them look at ecash instead. With this current setup, I pay at most 1 sat for zaps. A zap of over 1300 cost me 3 sats when going through Olympus. Indeed, it's not perfect but personally I think it's worth the self-custody. As mentioned in the post, anyone is free to open a channel to any other LSP if they choose to do so - Olympus is just built-in, it's easy, and gets people going. This is more of a prelude to ecash which I'm looking to write a post on soon, which does away (for the most part) with the limitations of liquidity and fees.
The fees on zaps I mentioned are for receiving zaps.
Not that I can see. I don't have a single received zap with fees that I can see.
Expired requests were from some testing. Going further down, as said initially, can't see a single reception with fees.
You're not even using a ZeusPay LN address. Most people who will Zeus on nostr the way you described in your OP will use a ZeusPay address set up within the Zeus app using their Olympus LSP and will incur those fees.
You're absolutely right, my bad - Just tested with the proper zeuspay address. Will add a comment to all.