Oddbean new post about | logout
 Did y'all see this yet? 


 Ah yes. This reminds me when they installed a cellular tower in my area. Soon after construction, people started complained about migraines and other symptons too.

None of the radios on the tower were on for some time later 🤣

So I joked if they are feeling bad now, wait until they turn it on. 😀 
 I had a 10-day migraine once. It had nothing to do with anything environmental. Had everything to do with shitty medical care. That doctor is no longer practicing medicine. 

The one-sided slant, drama, and hyperbole of this article is not journalism. 

I found it via a very left-wing marketing newsletter. It stinks. 
 Hmm interesting. I haven't seen new FUD in years.

I don't doubt that some of the noise pollution is a problem and future mines will need to take that into consideration, but the hyperbole in this article is more political than rational. 

I like to see Time dedicating so much attention to attacking Bitcoin. 

Means we are on the right track.  
 I couldn't even read the entire thing, which is extremely long. 

The article even says there's no way to prove the mine causes the health issues 🤣 

It reminds me of an old story from SF about something called...Morgellon's, I think? People said they had this disease with weird symptoms, claiming it was real...a long-term study proved it was all in their heads. 

I don't remember the specifics of it, but it sounded scary and similar to this. 

Start the article with "horrifying symptoms!" Insert baseless claims. The more dramatic the better. Lots of blame. Lots of sad. No, not the DOG losing hair! Once you throw in the dog, you hook 'em  
 As is said, never let a 'crisis' go to waste. Better noise control is the obvious fix, but the demons dont get their cut that way, so let's over react😔 
 Like covid all over again 
 Yup. Whether covid, climate or whatever, same damn playbook. 
 Soooooo boring lol 
 Yea I whole heartedly agree🤘