Why are smart people so fucking dumb? Dunning-krugger effect I guess. No, the mummified life forms presented to the Mexican Congress are NOT alien. World leaders are pushing the extraterrestrial narrative to distract us. Jesus fucking christ. (I do believe in life forms existing on planets other than our own, but the technology of space travel? We would have seen evidence of it by now)
@28f03eb2 I second your disbelief in this "evidence", just read their press release, they don't know their DNA sequencing from their carbon dating. You are on a good path understanding that life will inevitably emerge elsewhere. Technology for space travel?- we already have a proven theoretical concept, NASA Alcubierre Drive. Good traditional science. We don't have a glimpse of technology needed but it is physical&possible. With it interstellar travel is trivial.
@28f03eb2 On Fermi Paradox/no evidence,... Problem is that we are looking for other us. When we see it it will hit us on the head... Physical principles do not require DNA based carbon life, not even carbon based life, not to mention infinite possibilities within DNA carbon life itself. Then "societal" and technological evolution over it, godzilion possible paths. Other us may be rare, none to be seen just like a baby rabbit searching first time out of the hole for another in a dark forrest
@28f03eb2 From the evidence, I think we currently have 3 separate phenomena under UFO/UAP umbrella: 1) Completely natural physical, non-life related, rare atmospheric phenomena (Norway lights as ex) 2) Real technological aliens visiting long term (1561 Nurenberg event ex) 3) Since WWII, with enough human tech, Gvts run psyops exploiting similarities and peculiarities of the other two