Why does he like the dollar? Why do his voters like when he says that? The US exports dollars and imports most other things— this seems counterintuitive to what his voters would like which is US manufacturing etc All of this is too hidden (on purpose) so most wouldn’t get it and we just have to wait
Trump likes the dollar because he benifits from the Cantillon Effect. Trump voters think Trump will get them closer to the money spigot. They're wrong. The system is heading towards hyperinflation and it doesn't matter which branch of the uniparty wins. They don't even pretend otherwise anymore. If this election is the most important election in our lifetimes, why have we not seen either of these eight decade old people debate? We talk a lot about the orange pill. It took me a long time to fully grasp this concept. Fiat is the world that has been pulled over your eyes to blind you from the truth. The NPC's in the crowd applaud the dollar because they took the green pill and are stuck in the fiat matrix.
My eye-opening moment was when I realized that due to a ludicrous expense ratio, my employer-provided retirement fund was just funding that company's employees, who take our money to the markets, no different than Vegas, like the fucking degenerate gamblers they are. It's a pure casino. Second, most people don't want the responsibility of becoming their own bank. They don't have the time, energy, nor the self respect required to do so. They're quite happy sucking that USD dick.
They are forced to gamble. Fiat is designed to lose value. You are forced to buy stocks that will be taxed later to prop up the corporations. Before bitcoin, you could not opt-out of this shell game. You could buy gold. It did better than real estate over the last 50 years, but it did not beat the Boggle heads.