Why are western "democracies" trying so hard to outdo China... what's the point? Do these people want their kids to grow up in that world? Have they lost their minds?
they’re fucking retarded
I don’t get it… must be totally brainwashed by commies
Yeah makes no sense to me I guess to simplify it; it’s just combination of people following the incentives. a large swath of brainwashed smoothies, a large swath of silent cowards, a chunk of poor slaves and a chunk of people just ignoring the noise.
Is this a rhetorical question?🤔
Mostly yes. But I also don’t understand them unless they are actually just insane or brainwashed
both. lots of people are obsessively contrarian, only being able to view the world in terms of something they (subconsciously) hate (for no good reason). it’s like misogyny or racism where people must define themselves in terms of others (they want to feel superior) and feel the need to harm or dominate those they are obsessed with.
Great Reset
But why … do you think they’ve been captured?
Hard question to respond to simply and succinctly. Shotgun thoughts: -I think it is a complex mixture of motives and incentives. There are power hungry and evil people in all levels of society and governance. -As far as being captured goes, I would say this is true ideologically, via bribes, or via blackmail. -There's also the global fiat banking cartel. too many world leaders have their hands tied by the IMF via debt restructuring conditions. -Then there's groups like WEF. Klaus Schwab has also publicly boasted about WEF protiges *infiltrating* political cabinets all over the world. -I think a lot of people in the lower ranks of the global cabal probably think their going along with tyranny will also allow them to escape the worst parts of it. -There are also a number of world leaders who don't have children, so that is a factor too. -Underneath all of this is spiritual warfare. Satan and his demons hate God and therefore hate humans who are made in his image so they decieve and pervert and corrupt with the intention of destroying us. Many people, including some of the most powerful people in the world, are their puppets. But I would be remiss to say that and leave off that all tyranny ends, all tyrants die, all towers of babel fall, and, sooner or later, reality reasserts itself. The reality is that Christ is Lord.
The same families that invested in the US in the early years planned decades (or longer) ago to invest in China, while deflating the US. The plan after that is to bring Chinese communism (or worse) to the rest of the world. I can see part of the "setting up the US to fail" in various moves from the current Executive administration (following suit with the previous lineage). Examples are: leaving military tech in Afganistan for China to acquire, depleting emergency petroleum reserves, dumping weapons in Ukraine, while not preventing a multi-front set of conflicts. Some of this path is explained in the book "Behold A Pale Horse" by Wiliam Cooper
The fiat system trends towards totalitarianism. Fortunately, through freedom tech we can build towards an alternative.
I just don’t understand why how they don’t consider their kids or grandkids. I can only assume they believe their nonsense and are completely brainwashed or just bad actors (captured and doing others bidding)
The banksters and their cronies are just following their incentives: fiat flows at any cost.
Doesn’t explain it. People value their kids future over anything else. A parent knows this. No amount of money can corrupt that. Either they were compromised and are being puppets without any means of not doing as they are told, or they actually believe the things they do and say (less likely imo).
Not all parents put their children’s needs ahead of their own
Hard to imagine, unless they are psychos.
Sociopaths is more likely
More than a few are clinically both.
Western Politicians and elites are jealous of the Chinese communist party and their tools of surveillance, suppression, and control and do want that world to come to the West.
It's not about thinking of how their grandkids will live; they'll live fine lives even if things get bleak. Rather they think about how to **condition** their **great grandkids** into operating their lives to preserve their piece of global power, the way they do, and the way they were conditioned before. But harder, more & better this time of course. Very unlikely for ultra wealthy people to remain wealthy across 3 generations let alone 10, but the ones that do can do so because they have it down to a science, thanks to not decades but centuries of practice building protections across many dimensions and timeframes. Low time preference Bitcoiners underestimate them, thinking 15 years of hodling prepared them to compete in the 21st century & is worth a pat on the back 🤣 The ponzi allure is strong though, and afaik these familial power brokers are still only human. One wrong leroy jenkins, and they might find out they fundamentally misunderstand the nature of their own self-perceived power
Their minds have been reprogrammed. Communism is now good and fair. Because WE are doing it right this time. 🤡
nobody cares about children sucker. everybody just says they do.