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 "As of now, 15 September 2023, the comic book property called Fables, including all related Fables spin-offs and characters, is now in the public domain. What was once wholly owned by Bill Willingham is now owned by everyone, for all time. It’s done, and as most experts will tell you, once done it cannot be undone. Take-backs are neither contemplated nor possible."

 @aea3822c Hah. I share Wilingham's distaste for current copyright law (I'd be more conservative than he is on reform, but still), but this is a fantastic way to screw with a bad faith corporate actor. Creators always have the power all labor has: they can always make more stuff.

It's a bummer for whoever is on Telltale working on Fables stuff, but hey, on the plus side nothing here is stopping them. 
 @aea3822c @0e9a37c1 I don't know if you're still interested, but I seem to recall a post where you were looking for more modern public domain characters! 
 @aea3822c Although I'm saddened that Bill Willingham has gone through this, I do agree with his philosophy, and I love to see this story of stories continue grow in the telling. 
 @aea3822c Love it! now, where can I download them? 
 @aea3822c doesn't that mean DC can also use the public domain characters too make new stories? 
 @aea3822c wow, standing ovation 
 @aea3822c Baller move, although it's a shame it had to come to this. Fables is one of the few comic book properties that I've bothered to read pretty much all the way through, it's just so good. 
 @aea3822c @15458b98 Shame he still deadnames Lilah Sturges and keeps that deadname on the Jack of Fables books. I hope there are many pro-trans versions of Fables out of this move to piss Willingham off. 
While thats cool and all I would hate to be the first one to test DC on this

 @aea3822c Wow. This is one of the best “fuck you”s to the man I’ve seen in a while. And one that could have far greater implications. Love it! :) 
 @aea3822c I don’t really know comics at all, but I have incredible respect for this person. 

He is standing up to the corporate greed in the only way he can. By giving up his baby and his livelihood from the last 20 years. Plus, he’s showing just how broken copyright law is. 

Does anyone know where I can support this guy and buy his books?  Especially in a way to give him as much as the profit as possible?  

I just became a Fables fan.