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 The greatest threat to humanity was and always will be the midwits.

Unfortunately, this includes 98% of modern scientists.

True scientific savants like the Newton's & Tesla's of the world understood that there was a difference between the study of matter, and the study of what matters.

The former is empirical in nature, and progressive. You're always improving, adapting, refining, deconstructing and evolving.

The latter is Lindy and timeless. The most important principles of life rarely change. Dominic Venner's definition of tradition comes to mind here:

"Tradition is not the past, but that which does not pass"


Trying to apply methodologies from the former onto the latter is not only stupid, but will yield sub-par results. Look no further than the lockdowns and transgenderism.

Likewise, applying methodologies of the latter onto the former doesn't work well. See the tribes of aborigines who still think the world was created by a rainbow snake.

There is a middle way, or more accurately put - a synthesis between both approaches - that requires knowing which questions are best answered (or even asked) in which broad domain.

People like @ylecun cannot see beyond their own paradigm and they are prisoners to it. Ironically, this leads them into creating new religions and dogmas like "scientism" and keeps them of the wisdom and answers they purport to seek.


One of the biggest issues we have today is the reverence and authority given to people like this.

He's "chief of AI" at Meta - which people think makes him super smart. So they go ahead believing the dumb things he says (like go get boosted), and then to not feel like they were lied to, double down on their support of these new dogmas and become part of the NPC army.


Ancient leaders knew where to put the scientists and technologists. And it was not in positions of ultimate authority, UNLESS they were men like Aristotle who could weave the two dimensions. 

And even then, it was Alexander who ruled, not Aristotle - and Aristotle today is only known thanks to the spirit and conquest of Alexander.

Something to think about....

 When can i do the satlantis swahili translations ser? 
 Even fruit flies know the purpose of life

To Reproduce and annoy others 
 Sucks because Yann is a huge supporter and advocate of open source Ai as the standard, but he might not be around very long if he keeps getting boosted. All serious data suggests the more times you get that shot the higher the chances of some “rare” and sudden death. Literally can’t believe people still blindly believe that insane shit. 
 There are people still taking Covid vaccines? I highly doubt that… 
 Nah dude I know some of them. And they refuse to hear it. Of the people I *know* are still getting it and went all in, 2 of them have gotten sudden, aggressive cancers and the other had a stroke (in his early 50s). I don’t even know what to do because I’m afraid they won’t stop. They refuse to accept that it might be related. They think it’s insane to even suggest it. Yet there’s dozens of things that point to it. Hell, even the initial clinical trials point to being more likely to die with the vaccine than without. 
 It’s an auto-immune syndrome, attacking an individual’s most inflammatory weakness….best way to measure, excess deaths. 
 I’m sorry if they are friends or somewhat close to you. It sounds harsh but natural selection seems to do its thing. 
 I work in a pharmacy in a small rural religious conservative town that didn’t shut down anything when it all started.

But now I have had people coming in and asking when we are getting the new booster so they can get it as soon as they can.

I really didn’t think anyone still cared and it shocks me every time they ask. 
 “What else does this craving, and this helplessness, proclaim but that there was once in man a true happiness, of which all that now remains is the empty print and trace? This he tries in vain to fill with everything around him, though none can help, since this infinite abyss can be filled only with an infinite and immutable object; in other words, by God himself.”
-Blaise Pascal 

In later years I’ve more and more come to the realisation that this is true. I’m very surprised that this happened to me because I’ve been an atheist all my life, but am no longer.🤷 
 Oh, how I (not) miss this subliminal toxicity of Twitter. 
 Otherwise known as the separation of nomena and phenomenon. I believe it was Jung who termed it. Separating the realm of gross reality from the “spirit” realm. It’s strange that scientist in 2024, nearly a century after the discovery of quantum physics, simply ignore those facts and cherry pick what “science” they want to use to answer the biggest questions…“nope gonna stick to Newtonian physics on this one guys”… these are children, not serious men. 
 Truly a bunch of dorks. No wonder they’re all still virgins and extremely ugly 
 I wanted to thank u for writing Bushido. I’ve read the free chapters a few times, find more value with every re-read 🙏 looking forward to the book. If ur ever in Dubai & need anything let me know. 
 And Omar Khayam,  Tamrlan's teacher. Mathematics, astronomy, peloetry, spirituality etc....wasn't he plagerised by Newton and the Brits. 
 Wow, what a cunt. 🤦‍♀️ I'm not surprised he's at Meta. 
 We've been taught to study not to think...