@Rick is getting laid (off) @Griffith the crisp lettuce, the perfect mixture of light mayonaise and sweet katsup. impeccable taste
👆 this guy gets it
i would take whoppers over any other fast food burger tbh, second would be baconator tho
I ate a baconater once and although it was good I could feel my heart palpitating while eating it
#1: In-n-Out #2: Wendy's #3
sonic is 1 whataburger is 2
Sonic is goyslop, they put hfcs in everything.
@Nate Higgers, Head of Trust and Safety :rh_1::rh_4... @Tyler @Griffith @n3f_X :neon_devilblob: :debian: @Rick is getting laid (off) @anime graf mays 🛰️🪐 Sonic is absolute garbage but my local one employs the hottest of the local high school senior cheerleaders for some reason...
lol wtf is hfcs