The bootstrapping issue was kinda solved with a brute force hack. Broastcast your 10002 event everywhere. You won't actually get it everywhere, but you will get it to enough places that maybe it can be found.
I don't know how to solve the bootstrap problem truly. This hack seems good enough. As long as there are a group of very popular relays, if you use all of those and look things up on all of those, people will find each other.
People have suggested a DHT in the past, but I think this also has the bootstrapping issue, which doesn't really seem solvable to me, at least not perfectly. You can always have a set of relays distinct from all the others which can never find your event. Say there were 10 relays on mars. How can they get your event from Earth if Mars and Earth aren't connected? Not possible. So without centralization, it is strictly provably impossible to do it perfectly.
there i fixed it