two set exist first ready bear arms overthrow second liar in denial caz BOTH agreed system rigged when Trump won when Biden stole hence only who ready at ARMS righteous cause only one way to deal with rot worm ridden C O R P S E burn whole hella fuel will the system evil & parasitic humbly bow under healing G R A C E of a blonde S A V I O R i tink not therefore i aint not be fool twice who else done wit dis circus commit to Bill of Rights return to constitution America ruled by an elected PRESIDENT caz who run government not president I swear to rise to call MuRiCaN Revolution Blake's Prophecy The LAST Doom Trump of Destiny too cute to miss
Locals recognize only local law purge all previous government unite as a state purge all state government then new states purge all federal government a return to the ideals of the founding fathers small central government no central bank right of state right of individual no form monopoly