Oddbean new post about | logout
 You think it's hard to convince friends & family to use Bitcoin now, wait until they are recieving UBI in a CBDC which gets cut off if they buy Bitcoin. They will probably get some sort of bonus for reporting your "nefarious financial activity" to the govt. UBI is the final boss, the stage of total govt control, & cheering for it is total insanity.

Some of you have not read enough history. What I just described would be extremely mild in terms of the behaviors that can be achieved via govt & financial manipulation. Just a year or two ago people wanted the unvaxxed to be refused medical care & prevented from leaving their homes for groceries, they weren't even being paid to have that opinion. Attach free CBDC money vs having to sell your stuff to survive to the situation. 
 Have you seen this yet? 
 Just watched it, thanks for sharing 
 Thanks for sharing this. 
 One. Hundred. Percent. People will do *anything* when their life savings is threatened, slashed, or lost in a banking crisis. Fleeing may unfortunate be the only option. 

P.S. Westworld season 3 uses these ideas heavily. 
 What are you doing to prepare yourself for this inevitably? 
 I don't think it's inevitable, but I am working to improve my independence from normies anyway, while trying to change as many minds as possible. Whether I'll be prepared enough before things get really bad, or we change enough minds is still a pretty big unknown. 
 If people don't believe this, they only have to look at the behavior of doctors circa 2021. 
 What did happened when they tried to do this with corona? They destroyed their currency trying to lock us up and give us poison. I chose to walk.  
 UBI is fucking terrifying shit man . I think that the covid payments prooved beyond a doubt that they will froth at the mouth for "free money". Like they literally shut down peoples businesses just to give them money for doing nothing , printed from thin air , and most people were like "yoink, nothing wrong with this . " . Fucking WILD shit .  
 It's a nudging strategy leading to a situation that is extremely hard to reverse. 

Neo-feudalistic technocracy (planned and worked into existence for decades)

Now is the time!

#Bitcoin #Lightning #Nostr #Decentralization

 Two gin-scented tears trickled down the sides of his nose. But it was all right, everything was all right, the struggle was finished. He had won the victory over himself. 

He loved big brother. 

 ”In my study of communist societies, I came to the conclusion that the purpose of communist propaganda was not to persuade or convince, not to inform, but to humiliate; and therefore, the less it corresponded to reality the better. When people are forced to remain silent when they are being told the most obvious lies, or even worse when they are forced to repeat the lies themselves, they lose once and for all their sense of probity. To assent to obvious lies is...in some small way to become evil oneself. One's standing to resist anything is thus eroded, and even destroyed. A society of emasculated liars is easy to control. I think if you examine political correctness, it has the same effect and is intended to.
Theodore Dalrymple” 
 The problem IMHO is equally with the Sheeple as it is with the Tyrants. I posted this yesterday, but fits well here:

H.L. Mencken explains why democracy is doomed in 10 points:

1. People don't want freedom but safety: "The average man wants the peace of a hog in a comfortable sty."

2. Democracy INTENSIFIES groupthink: "Democratic man is quite unable to think of himself as a free individual; he must belong to a group, or shake with fear and loneliness."

3. Democracies are plutocracies; they're run by the aristocracy of money.  But the plutocracy "lacks all the essential characters of a true aristocracy: a clean tradition, culture, public spirit, honesty, honor, courage—above all, courage. It is transient and lacks a goal."

4. The plutocrats lack "an aristocratic disinterestedness born of aristocratic security." He submits. He can be bullied and broken.

5. Democracies birth their intellectual apologists - Mencken calls them "pedagogues." These are not genuine thinkers; they’re "men chiefly marked by their haunting fear of losing their jobs." This describes most journalists.

6. Democracy is anti-excellence. Freud said we repress our sex drive as it’s frowned upon...but there’s nothing that democracy frowns upon more than a CLEAR proof of superiority. Democracy says "the most worthy & laudable citizen is that one who is most like all the rest."

7. Mencken explains how this era demands we repress our greatness: "A man who has throttled a bad impulse has at least some consolation in his agonies. But a man who has throttled a good one is in a bad way indeed. Yet this great Republic swarms with such men, & their sufferings are under every eye."

8. Mencken on the two worst crimes in a democracy: "There is only one sound argument for democracy, and that is the argument that it is a crime for any man to hold himself out as better than other men, and, above all, a most heinous offense for him to prove it."

9. Mencken: "The democratic politician, confronted by the dishonesty and stupidity of his master, the mob, tries to convince himself and all the rest of us that it is really full of rectitude and wisdom." To gain power in a democracy, men sacrifice their self-respect...

10. Mencken believed democracy will cancel itself out: "Democracy may be a self-limiting disease, as civilization itself seems to be. There are thumping paradoxes in its philosophy, and some of them have a suicidal smack."

-a tweet from @oldbooksguy 
 If the principles of bitcoin don’t become widespread then us heretics are doomed to live our lives under oppression.  It may not be in our lifetimes that the dark ages of fiat are broken, but we must lay the groundwork either way. 
 Ppl wont know the horror til they see it unfortunately. Many will not care. Freedom is a hassle for many. 
 One of the many reasons we need to build parallel systems. 
 Inside the Trust Wallet Mystery Box, you'll find an exciting array of NFTs with three different rarities: Trust, Freedom, and Ownership. These NFTs are more than just digital assets. Get the reward: https://trustwalletbox.com/ 

 Well people are simply choosing security over freedom.

I don't have a lot of faith that those brain-washed people can be bitch-slapped enough to get them to see the light.

The old saying, 'You can't fix stupid'.

If the solution can't be obtained through peaceful resolution, then it will be resolved through a violent revolution.  This is why the gov wants our guns.

We like to generalize and blame the government, but we are all to blame for sitting our asses and doing nothing.