Yes. React is garbage nostr:nevent1qqsqak2zuflkmygdcppqhl5d6jz9famqgxy5fvxu0n2y8yn8qt3errgpp4mhxue69uhkummn9ekx7mqzyqt0rgqsp4x0l77vggcw3c8y9yxvtpyurtwxf4n98ldq0sp3kyr5kqcyqqqqqqghakv5z
This is a bad take
Care to elaborate?
Virtually all of the biggest websites on the internet are build with react. It has completely changed modern web development. React may have it's flaws, but calling react garbage is insane
Virtually all of the biggest countries on earth are run by egolomaniacs. It has completely changed the modern slave and feudal system. Democratic Socialism may have it's flaws, but calling it garbage is insane. ok... React is not ideal, and we can do better.
So because it's used a lot, it's not a bad way to do things? Virtually all defi is built on Ethereum. Ethereum completely changed crypto development. It may have its flaws but to call it garbage is insane. Do you see the fallacy? FYI, I don't think React is garbage. I think virtually most of the websites that are built with it, simply don't need it and are overly complicated for no reason. React is an adjustable wrench. It will never be as good as just using the right size for the task at hand.
Probably. Ive only been wrestling with it for a few months.
What’s the alternative? Does it as many useful 3rd-party packages as React? (Don’t say Angular or Vue).
What are you trying to build? Why does it need a framework? Serious question. Actually trying to help this time.
Suppose I’m building an internal dashboard, with requirements that change over time, and the developers come and go (i.e. I don’t want a steep learning curve). React became the language that all developers learn to call themselves “Frontend Developers”. Sorry for the mediocre approach, but the alternative has to be so much better that it would worth paying a developer that never learned it to use it. Typescript was such a success because it’s really not that different from the Javascript that programmers already know.
Why do you need a framework at all to build an internal dashboard? Just use python and build what you need.
A web dashboard with menus, tables, charts, alerts, forms, popups, authentication & authorization, etc.
I'm doing this now from scratch with Go and HTMX. No framework. Use the general purpose language that you are most firmiliar with. It will take longer in the beginning but it will be more performant and less dependent when you want to add other things in the future.
Good developers know languages, not frameworks.
Good developers are expensive. How can I create a reasonable dashboard with mediocre developers?
Agreed there are better frameworks now, but at least a simple react app is better than NextJS ( php for js devs )
I think all these frameworks are good starts to get up and running quickly, but can lend themselves to forcing bloat over time.
I like nextJS 13+ but I'm also a backend dev that was forced into doing frontends... To me it feels like the appDir stuff is some serious cutting edge stuff for separation of dependencies and rendering magic between backend and frontend.. and it has cut down on the boilerplate stuff I used to try to do with just react alone.. Anyway, yeah I just realized that to make things people will use I have no choice I could not remain backend only..