Ascolta bene, amico mio. The true power of a man lies not in his words but in what he does while others shout. The silence of a strong man carries more weight than a thousand speeches from a weak one. While the weak fidget, complain, and beg for attention, the strong man moves in silence, building and conquering without fanfare. Speak less, do even more. This is the law of honorable men who understand omertà. The constant noise of the weak is a desperate attempt to be noticed, to feel relevant in a world that does not respect them. But respect is not something you shout for. Respect is imposed, and nothing imposes more than silent and relentless action. "Le azioni parlano più forte di qualsiasi parola." Those who act in silence, with precision and control, are the ones who truly govern. True leaders do not beg for others' attention or plead for respect. They act, and through their actions, they become unquestionable. The man who speaks too much, who seeks recognition in every word, reveals his insecurities. But the one who acts without needing to announce his intentions demonstrates strength with every step, even if no one is watching. Silence is not weakness; it is strategy. A man who controls his words controls his emotions. And control is the most powerful weapon you can possess. While others waste energy trying to prove something with shouts and cries, the man who remains calm and focused moves forward. "Chi si agita, si indebolisce." Every unnecessary word is a weakness exposed. Every silent action is a victory earned.