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 Sucedeu, porem, no mes setimo, que veio Ismael, filho de Netanias, filho de Elisama, de sangue real, e com ele dez homens, principes do rei, a Gedalias, filho de Aicao, a Mizpa; e comeram pao juntos ali em Mizpa.

#Sucedeu,  #porem,  #no  #mes  #setimo,  #que  #veio  #Ismael,  #filho  #de  #Netanias,  #filho  #de  #Elisama,  #de  #sangue  #real,  #e  #com  #ele  #dez  #homens,  #principes  #do  #rei,  #a  #Gedalias,  #filho  #de  #Aicao,  #a  #Mizpa;  #e  #comeram  #pao  #juntos  #ali  #em  #Mizpa.  

Pero aconteci en el mes sptimo, que vino Ismael hijo de Netanas, hijo de Elisama, de sangre real, y con l diez hombres, prncipes del rey, a Gedalas hijo de Ahika, en Mizpa; y comieron pan juntos all en Mizpa.

#Pero  #aconteci  #en  #el  #mes  #sptimo,  #que  #vino  #Ismael  #hijo  #de  #Netanas,  #hijo  #de  #Elisama,  #de  #sangre  #real,  #y  #con  #l  #diez  #hombres,  #prncipes  #del  #rey,  #a  #Gedalas  #hijo  #de  #Ahika,  #en  #Mizpa;  #y  #comieron  #pan  #juntos  #all  #en  #Mizpa.  

Mais il arriva au septime mois qu'Ismal, fils de Nthania, fils d'lishama, de sang royal, et avec lui dix hommes, chefs du roi, vinrent vers Guedalia, fils d'Ahikah,  Mitspa ; et ils mangrent du pain ensemble  Mitspa.

#Mais  #il  #arriva  #au  #septime  #mois  #qu'Ismal,  #fils  #de  #Nthania,  #fils  #d'lishama,  #de  #sang  #royal,  #et  #avec  #lui  #dix  #hommes,  #chefs  #du  #roi,  #vinrent  #vers  #Guedalia,  #fils  #d'Ahikah,  # #Mitspa  #;  #et  #ils  #mangrent  #du  #pain  #ensemble  # #Mitspa.  

Ma avvenne nel settimo mese che Ishmael, figlio di Nethaniah, figlio di Elishama, di sangue reale, e con lui dieci uomini, principi del re, vennero da Ghedalia, figlio di Ahikah, a Mitspah; e mangiarono insieme il pane l a Mitspah.

#Ma  #avvenne  #nel  #settimo  #mese  #che  #Ishmael,  #figlio  #di  #Nethaniah,  #figlio  #di  #Elishama,  #di  #sangue  #reale,  #e  #con  #lui  #dieci  #uomini,  #principi  #del  #re,  #vennero  #da  #Ghedalia,  #figlio  #di  #Ahikah,  #a  #Mitspah;  #e  #mangiarono  #insieme  #il  #pane  #l  #a  #Mitspah.  

But it came to pass in the seventh month, that Ishmael the son of Nethaniah, the son of Elishama, of the royal birth, and with him ten men, the king's princes, came to Gedaliah the son of Ahikam at Mizpah; and they ate bread together there at Mizpah.

#But  #it  #came  #to  #pass  #in  #the  #seventh  #month,  #that  #Ishmael  #the  #son  #of  #Nethaniah,  #the  #son  #of  #Elishama,  #of  #the  #royal  #birth,  #and  #with  #him  #ten  #men,  #the  #king's  #princes,  #came  #to  #Gedaliah  #the  #son  #of  #Ahikam  #at  #Mizpah;  #and  #they  #ate  #bread  #together  #there  #at  #Mizpah.  

Aber es geschah im siebten Monat, da kamen Ismael, der Sohn Netanjas, des Sohnes Elischamas, von kniglichem Blut, und mit ihm zehn Mnner, die Frsten des Knigs, zu Gedalja, dem Sohn Ahikas, nach Mizpa; und sie aen dort in Mizpa zusammen Brot.

#Aber  #es  #geschah  #im  #siebten  #Monat,  #da  #kamen  #Ismael,  #der  #Sohn  #Netanjas,  #des  #Sohnes  #Elischamas,  #von  #kniglichem  #Blut,  #und  #mit  #ihm  #zehn  #Mnner,  #die  #Frsten  #des  #Knigs,  #zu  #Gedalja,  #dem  #Sohn  #Ahikas,  #nach  #Mizpa;  #und  #sie  #aen  #dort  #in  #Mizpa  #zusammen  #Brot.  

Lakini ikawa katika mwezi wa saba, Ishmaeli, mwana wa Nethania, mwana wa Elishama, wa damu ya kifalme, na pamoja naye watu kumi, wakuu wa mfalme, wakamwendea Gedalia, mwana wa Ahika, huko Mispa; nao wakala mkate pamoja huko huko Mispa.

#Lakini  #ikawa  #katika  #mwezi  #wa  #saba,  #Ishmaeli,  #mwana  #wa  #Nethania,  #mwana  #wa  #Elishama,  #wa  #damu  #ya  #kifalme,  #na  #pamoja  #naye  #watu  #kumi,  #wakuu  #wa  #mfalme,  #wakamwendea  #Gedalia,  #mwana  #wa  #Ahika,  #huko  #Mispa;  #nao  #wakala  #mkate  #pamoja  #huko  #huko  #Mispa.  

Tetapi terjadilah pada bulan ketujuh, datanglah Ismael bin Netanya bin Elisama, keturunan bangsawan, dan bersamanya sepuluh orang, para pembesar raja, kepada Gedalya bin Ahikah, ke Mizpa; dan mereka makan roti bersama-sama di Mizpa.

#Tetapi  #terjadilah  #pada  #bulan  #ketujuh,  #datanglah  #Ismael  #bin  #Netanya  #bin  #Elisama,  #keturunan  #bangsawan,  #dan  #bersamanya  #sepuluh  #orang,  #para  #pembesar  #raja,  #kepada  #Gedalya  #bin  #Ahikah,  #ke  #Mizpa;  #dan  #mereka  #makan  #roti  #bersama-sama  #di  #Mizpa.