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 Devs, do not sleep on Nostr Wallet Connect. Nostr allows you to link any app with any other app in this world. No IP addresses, no ports, no NAT, no firewalls, no bullshit.

Soon coming to a Cashu wallet near you.
 @tolot maybe? 
 fkng brilliant  
 Also beautiful for NIP88 Subscriptions 
 When can I zap cashu on nostr? Would like to drop alby 
 I'm sleeping on it until it's possible to pay an npub directly without lnurl. 
 Because lnurl is trash and a huge centralizing factor that pushes people to custodians. We shouldn't need DNS and webservers if we can communicate npub to npub using nostr relays. 
 Understood. Idk if I'd call it a huge central using factor but it does need you to run a web server. Bolt12 will be a big deal when more widely used. But for now we have lnurl and it works.  
 Bolt12 is like the 100k USD/btc, it's always just around the corner. I'll believe it when I see it. 
 No ip addresses? 
 us pretend devs we are not sleeping on this . . .  
 "Si estás pasando por el infierno, no te detengas. Descansa & sigue 💜🫡 https://image.nostr.build/b6c309ba7a99fdeb51ef175a31605c5b2794b226dcad24528076fd84e0d3a484.jpg 
 I do not want to rely on Alby  
 You don’t 
 I'm sleeping on it until I know how it works, or I can get an assurance that it won't expose my ip 
 Absolutely changed the whole game 
 I really wish more clients supported this so that I could zap when using a browser without Alby installed. 
 Alby lets you connect Mutiny with nwc 
 we will get there, one app at the time 😉  
 This will work in your Cashu browser wallet in less than 2 weeks, promised! 
 Does NWC let me connect to my home lightning node from the web and make transactions from afar?

In other words, how can I connect something like Zeus to my Start9 LN node to send zaps if that’s possible? 
 @TheGuySwann I’m fairly sure Mutiny Wallet allow for this. Worth looking into further. 
 Is network traversal one of nostr's killer features. I think it sort of is.  
 LFG  🚀  
 Gonna learn more about cashu soon. This post sold meeee
 Listen to calle, wise guy 
 It gives Alby dominance over the ecosystem. Fuck dat 
 Get your facts straight. It's built on nostr and has nothing to do with Alby. 
 Lol https://image.nostr.build/0c5cb2ecbc4950cdf9f27a273459bd9276312582585468d183ba8547d3dd5364.jpg 
 Not sure you know how this protocol stuff works. 
 This seems to only benefit alby. Do you understand how it works? I checked their github and their main page. 
 Yes, I've implemented it a day ago. Read nips and chill out man. 
 You can self-host a NWC instance… 
 Yes but Its primary purpose is to way use Alby. 
 As someone who sees the broad sweeping benefits this will bring to countless mobile first experiences, I am thrilled. 

As someone who has spent an inordinate amount of time trying to connect to a home server without opening ports (primarily by hosting my own VPN), I... think you all should have to earn it like I did? /s
 So what will happen to WOS? 
 Maybe you should talk to the folks at Keet & check for implementation…