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 Good day! 

This is #InkblotArt, the note that lets your imagination fly!
Today is March 11, 2024. Block height of 834191

What do you see in the blot? Comment and get a zap!
 A ghost surrounded by broccoli 
 Does this ghost have a fear of broccoli? 
 it is a very unattractive broccoli 
 I see an alien with its hands on its waist puking a white barf. 👽🤮 
 Well, it takes time to adjust to a new planet, being that we are microbe laden! 
 Current BTC price action seen by colorblind people 🤭 
 It's been a wild ride! 😁 
 Try to focus on work 😅 
 Too much porn for me in this one, can’t even describe it! 
 You like reading my gutter mind? 
 Shark jaw #InkblotArt 
 No lie, I owned a set of jaws as a teenager. Many years ago 😁😂 
 Marine lifecycle with mother otter on her back crackinging abalone for the child catching up to her. A great white coming up from the depths to eat them both.  
 Sharks gotta eat! 
 Two elephant shaped brazilian maps.  
 Yup! Took me a lil bit to see it  
 It’s Cthulhu 🐙

His tentacles reaching for us 🦑

 He's calling.🐙📲

“Screeching cat noises ensue” 
 Do NOT summon the Elder Ones on my InkblotArt notes please. 
 He turned up all on his own 🤷🏼‍♀️ I just saw him clear as day 

Ok will then have another go but I don’t think you’ll like my next answer either…. 😂😂😂 
 Do eeet 😁 
 The white figure in the middle is Overlord Karellen come to Earth (Childhood’s End by Arthur C Clarke)
The black smoke surrounding him is the battle that takes place in space. 
 Good morning ✌️🧡 
 Buenos días
Veo 2 peces raros con colas de dragones #inkblotart 
 All aquatic life has a strangeness to them. 
 1. Silhouette of a hooded figure in a long coat flying up like a rocket and fire below it

2. Launching BTC rocket and fire below 
 Welcome to InkblotArt! 😁

I can almost see this in your style of art. 
 We all live in a giant Rorschach test 😉 
 "where is it ?", her little voice echoed into the darkness.
"I can't see the way, how will I know which way ?", more nervous, more flighty her voice drifted into the nothingness...
" TRUST YOUR FEET, TRUST YOUR HEART, THEY KNOW THE WAY" whispered the nothingness breathlessly all around her.
Closing her eyes she trusted and stepped into the darkest darkshed had ever known. Heart ooen, eyes closed her feet moved as if guided by the nothingness. Sure footed she walked the path, fears ebbing away... 
 Great story! 
 Dragon(top black) blowing fire(center white) at a gate (bottom black) 
 Good description. 
Is that black dragon friend or a foe? 
 Anna Wintour throwing up on Ye's latest creation! #inkblotart 
 Modern fashion doesn't impress me much either. 
 2 seahorses about to put on a show as the curtains are drawn back

 Straight out of Pixar!
Sans wokeness, please. 
 Two seahorses kissing. 
 Another seahorse! Amazing 🤩 
 I see two little seahorses in the bottom middle. 
 I haven't seen anything for days. I think I need to rest. 🥲 
 Rest well friend!  
 GM  🤙🏽☕️☀️🎉
… two skydivers in wings suits https://image.nostr.build/24f4a8cefedf128cda70564392afc8558159901b58dd20c0bba793a3dd935513.jpg  
 That's been removed from my bucket list.

Not scratched off.

Removed. Too old for this shit. 
 Wooly mammoth skull splitting open from the front with the soul of a chipmunk ascending up through the middle. 
 It's a very vengeful spirit. Maybe he got stepped on? 
 I feel like the psychoanalysis data retrieved from willing participants is the new "your rapper name is your favorite color followed by your password" 
 A mountain gnome wearing a fox pelt coat gazes at his reflection in a mirror.  
 Hell yeah. Has Mr Gnome seen adventures? 
 In today's art, I see a conch shell with a seahorse

#InkBlotArt #ZapFountain #BTC #Zap #Nostr #Bitcoin #FreeJulianAssange 
 Good day !

I see a Stingray, view from under, swimming the waters and singing "I'm an English man in New York" 😂😂😂😂😂😂

 Synesthesia level 1000 
 Your answers are so very freaking dream like.

Or nightmares? 😅🤔 
 Pretty sure that's just an elephant with a boner. 
 Alright alright,  I'll play.. A man breaking free from the fiat enslavement camp trying to keep him poor and submissive. 
 As a new player, I'll let you in on a secret to a fatter zap! Use my hashtag #InkblotArt

Also: There's a random winner of more sats.
Also: iIf your note contains the word crab 🦀, you will get crabbed by crabbybot. 
 Of course that's me and the loyal, hardworking, brilliant crew of my LightShip, bursting out of the farside of the Coal Sack Nebula in the constellation of Crux.

Having for eternity past been hidden from the gaze of all mankind, the galactic terrain now exposed to our wondering, pioneering eyes reveals the as yet untallied riches of thousands of star systems.

In the coming three years as we discover new, habitable worlds in Goldilocks zones, we shall drop off several teams to open them. The teams will tame the planets, raising fruitful families, multiplying into global populations with the full blessing of God and the riches of the knowledge and good will of all humanity behind them.🙏🏻😄💜🫂💖😆🚀💯👍 
 GM #inkblotart a squid in black 
 Aquatic life for the win? Seems to be a lot of it today. 
 Two fish kissing. 
 Lip locked? Fighting? 
 Gm Rex

A hooded figure rising up and surviving the expanse of darkness

Prompted mj: 
 Too cool. Looks like a book cover! 🤩 
 A lizard regrowing it's tail 
 Awesome power to have! 
 Wake of an outboard motor 
 #GM Rex, I see two strange fishes #InkblotArt 
 I see the tip of an ornately designed spearhead being dipped into a magical combination of water, oil, and unnamed ingredients to cool the metal and embrace it with deep earth elements. 
The dark liquids are roiling from the heat of the spearhead and the liquid Magik.


 Insectoid wooly mammoth 
 🙋‍♂️can👀the🌚already 🤙 
 Flip it over looks like a pissed off rooster #inkblotart 
 It's a Monday and eggs are being laid.

He ain't. 
 A wild Lugia emerges from the mist.
 You know, I miss watching Pokemon with my little kids. I believe I will be watching it with my grandchildren. 😁 
 I miss Pokemon.

I saw the first 2 movies in the theater as a kid.

A friend's kid came to me with the amount mew card a few years ago. "Wow. It must be so rare! It's holographic and weird!"

And I was like nah everyone got that card when they bought the VHS. People used to use that card as bicycle motors.  
 If everyone has em are they really rare?  
 If everyone had em but everyone destroyed em then yes, THEY ARE RARE 
 Holographic Charizard. If you had that one you were a cool kid. Those were rare.  
 A good friend of mine had/has Holographic Charizard 
 I had 3 as a kid because I won battles and we played for keeps🤷🏽 
 Based on cards I've seen in my own personal life, in use in battles on the playground.


Chansey is fucking rare.  
 Chancey is the cutest Pokémon. 
 And probably one of the most helpful 
 A platypus (in this case a digivolved platypus with a fractal tale, if that makes any sense at all) 😆 
 Digimon! 😁💯 
 Platypmon? xD 
 Sonic eagle #InkblotArt #GrowArtstr 
A decorative water fountain