it's hard to work with deadlines, but recently I've started to think that maybe it's not so bad. delivery dates may be more flexible if negotiated of course, negotiation is not violence even if everyday life is full of troubles many conflicts cannot be resolved by military force “military is tax thief” i wonder if i could say that if my residential area was attacked 戦争は怖いし嫌い。何が何でも避けよう what can violence “SOLVE ”? but i can think like that because i'm in a safe place. and i wonder if that safety is protected by the military's deterrent force こんな場合から平和を祈っても 私の安寧が誰かの罪の上にあるのなら十字架を背負うのは by calling something is justice, other things become sins what can be justified? i don't know, so let's leave the rightness undefined?