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 Dude... Seems like hiding with Putin isn't the best strategy, when talking about authoritarian regimes. You made a fuzz about global surveillance, but went to the king of it. 
Be a man, face consequences and fight for the freedom. Right now seems like Putin paid you to made it. Coward. 
 Wish I could dislike you comment. 
 but... ? 
 “Be a man” says the troll on the internet. 
 seems like i xaused cognitive disturbance in your head. 
says the troll with a cognitive insufficiency. :D 
 Trolls keep trolling 🤡 
 That's funny.

You probably think Ukraine is fighting for freedom too. lol 
 what are they fighting for?  
 Interested in what the universally accepted #LibTribal Visa looks like tho....
Probably glitter and unicorns?🙄  
 I guess you understand that he can't be in Russia without a passport and a visa? There are also extradition agreements.  
 He has no Visa you moron
He cant go anywhere unless Executive Branch intervenes with an EO
God people on social platforms are fucking thick in the head and not the good one
The ONLY WAY to get Snowden ANYWHERE worldwide is for American CITIZENS to elect #Kennedy24 as USA president bc he will not only restore his full status but will pardon anything anyone in USA govt tries to block him with.
BTC cant solve Assange, Snoden or countless others.
Kennedy can 
 Dude.. the US govt cancelled his passport while in Russia en route to South America. The only reason he is in Russia is because of the US govt.  
 Assange is not in Russia, you must be confusing him with Snowden. All of the heroes who fight for freedom are not the same person.  
 What is Assange achieving by dying in max security prison over what he could have achieved if free to act and speak in any country? 
 He didn't choose to be in prison, and once in there, it's difficult to get out. 
 Agreed, I am certainly not blaming Assange for the perversion of justice inflicted on him.

What I said was in response to the moronic suggestion that Snowden should surrender himself to US 'justice'. 
 Das ist wohl nicht etwas, was Sie ihm vorzuwerfen brauchen, nachdem ihm kein europäisches Land Asyl gewährte, was wirklich eine GROSSE SCHANDE ist!
Er war auf dem Weg nach Südamerika und konnte nicht weiter, weil die USA seinen Pass für ungültig erklärt haben. Er saß über Wochen im Transit fest. 
Hätten die Russen ihn dort bis heute etwa sitzen lassen sollen?