Every situation you find yourself in is exactly where you need to be at that moment. Every person you speak to, whether on the street or over the phone, is teaching you something, consciously or unconsciously. Feel the energy around you and realize that you are exactly where you need to be on this journey of discovery. If you direct your energy and attention toward manifesting and attracting a positive reality, the universe will reveal the signs you seek. The law of attraction always draws you toward what you align with.
Even all the negative events, relationships and conversations. Correct?
Yes. We label it as negative, but we can always frame it more like this "Oh, I don't prefer this. Thanks (person, situation,etc) what is not me/not my choice". It's really a matter of perspective and reframing. Negative is not there by accident. It's an opportunity to bring our shadow to light, so we can face it, see it clearly and transform it. We fear negative experiences, yet experiences are thr only way we can clarify our preferences and make conscious decisions without being overruled by our ego.