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 The etymology of the word educate has its roots in Latin with "ducit" which means to lead. The idea of education, then is to lead young people. But where are they being led?
 Off a cliff or into a brick wall apparently 
 To The Kingdom Jimmy.
Jesus is Lord 🧡 
 This depends on who you follow. I follow Bitcoiners…. So my path and mission are clear. 
 The current system is leading them/teaching them that their life is an accident of matter and energy colliding and it serves no purpose. That marriage is social contract and there is no truth, only your truth. All while stealing their future time and energy by printing dollars. 

When the importance of family is removed from education, government takes over. 

2 fundamental things social humans use nearly every day:  literacy of ideas (language) & literacy of actions (money).

We teach just enough of language to spread propaganda, but stop short of teaching enough of it to see past the propaganda.

Much of the propaganda is a narrative about or in service of economics, of which we unsurprisingly teach nothing to students.

The best logical reason for this level of ignorance/ineptitude to persist for so long past the Enlightenment Era where mass literacy was sparked is to preserve the institution of slavery, an owning class & a working class, with workers who truly honestly believe monopoly credits are a fair trade for their life's work. 
 If parents asked this question, our public school system would be demolished as they back their responsibility for their children's education.  
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