In my experience, the most successful people are the most consistent. The other factor is that whatever they do on a small scale is what they do on a large scale. So, to ensure success you should have a repeatable procedure at all scales. #randomthoughts
As above, so below. mean like this guy is pointing to?
...didn't mean to come across so snarky there, I just see this phrase all over the place and doubt most people realize what it means. 🤙
I was referring to this fella ;) My boy Hermes Trismegistus
Successful people are better at pattern recognition and are more strategic in their thinking They're more efficient
But those also have the risk to lose marbles. Try tie and organize your marbles even if is not needed so for the rest of the players can follow track.
Most things are not that hard Successful people are more "collected", efficient, and productive
My hands are sweaty Phone is wet If I read this correctly, it means I should go pro. IF I choose.
My mom ain’t got much, but she always shows up
consistency and communication are the keys for success 😉
How you do anything is how you do everything.
Don’t expect anything to be everything
🙌🏻 This is also my experience. Your habits make your longterm developments. So kind of „build your habits, build your future“…you know what I mean.
Sure, that may be but they're also willing to adapt. The qualities of consistency and adaptability are complementary of each other. Consistency is great for someone with little or no ambition as it involves little to no change. But an ambitious person absolutely requires adaptability to maintain consistency in an evolving environment.