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 Are you really that misinformed? Decline? Have you not heard about the Flynn-effect?


"The level of intelligence, in other words the Intelligence Quotient, is always a comparison with the sample or group of individuals that took part in the creation of the test and is therefore always a relative measurement."


"Average IQ of a group is always 100"

 You live by definitions. Informed a lot about the synthetic world they build. You cannot question it and cannot access real data that disprove it. You are trying to fight me over a definition that clearly does not work. If in a group the average IQ is always 100 how do you fuck compare groups? How is this even useful. How the heck all the IQ tests work if they are relative to a group only. Wake up theorist we live in a real world. 100 IQ was set decades ago on a control group of white westerners. The average of the entire planet is way under that and the mixed western countries too. 
 Read the text on the page I gave. 

"Nowadays psychologists continue to use Thurstone's deviation method. Any IQ score hence represents the relative position in comparison to the individuals that took part in the test calculations (called test sample) according to a normal distribution of intelligence". – hence gaussian distribution in which IQ 100 is average. 
 You literally copied : the average IQ of a group is always 100.
Do you at least read what you copy. I do not expect this indoctrinated generation to create their own points of view but at least do not copy two definitions that collide to each other. And,.by the way.. what should mean that you send me links? I know how to browse. I was here before Internet was born. The easy concept I referred is: the average IQ of the humans population is lower than 50 years ago. You can mess up with definitions how much you want but humanity turned stupid. 
 So you can't grasp what it reads. How can you then expect to discuss it? 
 What should I grasp. I'm explaining a concept and you keep copying definitions that do not matter at all. 
 IQ tests are statistics and clearly defined. Your concepts are pseudoscientific nonsense at best and quite baseless. Where did you get the idea that IQ is 'declining'. IQ is always relative to a representive test group, at a certain time, within a certain population. Just statistics, nothing more. Study the info. 
 Not going to lose more time on this discussion. Sorry. Be happy. 
 There is no discussion: you're not qualified and presumably not very intelligent (base level IQ or below). I had lost interest in your speculations already. 
 Yes sure. Self esteem issues. Need to try to lower others to feel better. I understand don't worry..have fun 
 80 IQ pleb here checking in 
 Silly new generation. Can't discuss about things, just copy link and wants to feel smart. Life accomplishments ZERO ahha 
 Well... Actual you're the one who felt the urge to present your baseless and unfounded speculations to the public. When confronted with this it became quickly clear that you don't havr a clue how IQ-tests work and how the numbers csn be used. That's a clear sign of a low IQ. Sorry for you. 
 Don't be sorry. I'm quite well in life.  
 Yeah, you'd say that, wouldn't you 😬 
 And 51