Oddbean new post about | logout
 I’m not a scientist by training but I have taken high level math and have a BA from a major university. I know how to learn and I know how to vet data. 

When Covid happened I found credible experts and figured out the Covid mystery through hundreds of hours of study. Guys like Jon Ioannidis, Jay Battacharia, Michael Levitt, Robert Malone and Peter McCullough all were pure signal. 

They made it clear that Covid wasn’t deadly if you were healthy. As soon as I figured out that reality for sure, I knew I didn’t need a supposed vaccine. Went on to learn more about mRNA and vaccines in general and how viral mutations really make vaccines irrelevant. 

I didn’t know the Covid mRNA shot would be so detrimental, but I knew I didn’t need it and should not consent to being a medical crash test dummy. 
 Yeah same. I came across some of the named you mentioned. 
What did it for me was the figures. Firstly there was the Diamond Princess Cruise ship on the coast of Japan. The cruise ship was quarantined in March 2020 and passengers not allowed to disembark for weeks. This was the perfect "experiment" to really see how bad covid actually was. Covid would have spread aggressively on the ship through the ventilation system and into the cabins where the passengers were quarantined. 
Out of almost 4000 people 14 passengers died. At first impressions thats seems pretty high right. Bear in mind this "experiment" was skewed because average age of cruise passengers are older. Elderly people more prone to die from covid. Plus the virus is circulated over and over through ventilation system. So these figures are pretty much as bad as they could possibly be. 
Death rate based on this cruise ship is around 0.35% around 3-4 times more than the flu. The fact that the conditions on cruise ship were unfavourably biased towards worse  conditions virus circulating through ventilation system and high average age, we could half that figure (ATLEAST) straight away, so its more like 0.175%. So just based on this its around twice as bad as the flu. Bear in mind this cruise ship was quarantined in March 2020. Doesn't take a rocket scientist to crunch some numbers. I'm not even a mathematician!
Later in 2020 I downloaded figures from Office of National Statistics (UK database for deaths every month). What was reported on the news made no sense. Yes death figures were higher than normal but only slightly more than what UK experienced from a very very bad flu season a few years before. 
The figures I was reading did not match with the scare stories being reported on the news. Eventually I stopped watching the news because it was just causing me stress. By the time vaccines rolled out, I was confident that covid was no more worse than the flu. (OK twice as bad at most). It was different to the flu. But if we didn't know any better we would have described it as a nasty flu going around. We've all experienced this on many occasions. 
The numbers I crunched from reputable sources just didn't match the stories on the news. 
I can go on and on. 
I decided not to have the vaccine. But I sympathise with people who caved and got vaccinated because they were made to feel they had no other option. 
Learn from your mistakes, don't put your health in the hands of others, so called health experts don't know it all, and as you can see anyone with basic level maths could crunch the numbers I did to come to the conclusion that it wasn't even a fraction as bad as they portrayed on the news.
Covid made me realise, if we've been lied about this medical treatment covid vaccines. What else have we been lied about. What other medical treatments have I taken been taking which may not be of any real significant benefit.
I've since investigated other medical treatments and I've been shocked. I've changed my approach when a medical professional advises me to have any form of treatment. And then I make my decision based on the facts rather than trusting the medical professional. They aren't always  right. Infact you'd be shocked how often they are wrong. 
Doing simple things like watching your diet, be more active, get out the house, get some sun(don't use sun block,  wear a bloody hat!), far out weighs many health so called health treatments. 
It winds me up thinking about how we are told to live our lives. Makes me angry. Take control of your own health. You all can, it isn't difficult to do. And most of the best answers are the simplest ones. Combine this philosophy with Bitcoin, we can all live an amazing healthy & prosperous life! 🖖