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 Boy… I couldn’t disagree more

I’m advocating for the abolishment of the existing power structures in the world and I work in Hollywood, which would blacklist me in a heartbeat for holding my views. 

Anonymity is literally the only way I could engage with other people on controversial topics, work out the truth as I now understand it, and still keep feeding my family in the meantime. 

No, I don’t think my daughter should go hungry because I happen to think Israel is committing a genocide in the Middle East. 
 I think anonymity should be permissible but discouraged. So no one is advocating for doxxing you and getting you in trouble at your day job. 

But do you not see the problem here? Maybe there are 10 other people who work where you do who don’t dare speak put, and the censors believe all the compliant employees are in lockstep with their permitted world views. How would they even know anyone is dissenting? How would someone else at your work know to reach out to you?

But even beyond that, you undermine the views you hold by being unwilling to stand by them. And should you simply stating your opinion that Israel is committing genocide get fired, perhaps long-term it would be for the best. 

And as I said, I don’t think anyone should be doxxed, but I think putting your name to your views and letting the chips fall should be encouraged. 
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 I’m not going to risk my daughter’s livelihood for your 20th century ideals of accountability. I speak openly in-person about my thoughts and opinions. But I don’t see any reason to leave a trail of my ideas tied to my government-issued identity for future adversaries to comb through at their convenience. 
 Yeah, I mean, the founding fathers would like a word. Several used pen names. 
 Yeah, I mean, every member of the Illuminati adopted a pseudonym.

If it’s good enough for the spooky fucks trying to rule the world, it’s good enough for me. 
 “You shouldn’t be doxed, but you should dox yourself.”

Do you even read what you fucking write? Jebus. 
 yeah, I read it because I wrote it. Did you read the post? Seems like you did not. 
 best reply this week 
 All of modern history people were publishing under aliases.
For many different reasons. 
 exactly, it just suddenly becomes an issue for those in power when everyone can do it 
 The everyone part hits hard.
Besides publishing anonymously, in the past it was common practice to hire town criers to spread your bullshit and if applicable take the heat for it away from you.

These days such mechanism exists in the form of mass media, narrowly controlled paid for people with strong opinions and masked almost as a life saving utility.

Taking away the anonymity from simple people is just leaving more power for the top1%. Is it an accounted for outcome or just a side effect? I don't care, you're being a tool in the end. 
 its why things like that ofcom law in the uk are being done, effectively making encryption illegal, they dont want any privacy so they can target people

orwell wrote about this, dangerous times, not a time to play by any rules they want 
 These faggots over there already have twitter police and criminal conviction of thought crimes on the internet. Not what you typically would think of criminal, just "hate speech". 
 its coming everywhere 
 france is deporting people for speech now 
 Yep, during covid there was a slew of UN mandated freedom, mainly speech, limiting laws across member nations.

Just to make sure you know it's not spontaneous occurrence of willing do gooders, it's coming top down. Just like the lockdowns from WHOres, another UN institution. 
 Yeah because the people are letting them get away with it. People like you who not only refuse to stand up, but are insulting people encouraging them to do so. 

Man, if I were part of the State, I’d want everyone to be terrified of my and hiding behind nyms, afraid at any second I was going to jail them. 

Keep up the fear mongering, you’re definitely winning! 
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 you are encouraging people to wear yellow stars while the feds are targeting conservatives as domestic terrorists 
 You really are deranged by anything Jew-related, aren’t you? Yellow stars were required. I am talking about voluntarily standing up for your fucking right to say what you believe under your own name as is enshrined in the First Amendment of the US consutition and as is championed by any free country. 

And you do so knowing it might bother someone, that theoretically some govt might target you specifically (though it’s unlikely) because you think some things are worth taking a risk for, things like free speech rather than the dystopian shit hole the WEF has planned. 

I mean FFS, you’re always going on about “the jews” — and how we need to hide behind our handles because the state will get us. This exactly the type of thinking I want my adversaries to have if I’m the State. Divisive and afraid of what I might do. 

The last thing I’d want is people of uncommon ancestry to courageously make common cause. 
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 anyone would think i was farming a lolcow 
 @Chris Liss @mrclownworld @ToxicFemininity @StephanGuy @white_male Part of the 1st ammendment right is to speak anonymously, because retribution including by the government has always been a problem. In theory you have a right, in practice you might sit in a cell for years awaiting trial. 
 government rarely apply laws evenly 
 @StephanGuy @mrclownworld @Chris Liss @ToxicFemininity @white_male Especially lately, this administration has been particularly bad im regard to persecuting dissent. 
 It's world wide, or 1st world wide, UN pushes mechanisms for this persecution into legislation of member states. 
 @white_male @StephanGuy @mrclownworld @Chris Liss @ToxicFemininity Obviously persecution over speech is worse in the EU and UK, nobody should post under their real names over there under any circumstance.
 what about fag posting in arab nations? 
 @StephanGuy @mrclownworld @Chris Liss @ToxicFemininity @white_male Don't post about your crimes is generally good advice no matter where you are. 
 Indigenous, religious drive. We complain about foreign, ideological mandates. 
 @white_male @StephanGuy @mrclownworld @Chris Liss @ToxicFemininity I complain about all mandates because freedom is neat. If someone tries to tell me what to do, I generally assume they have bad ideas and like watching their spouse fuck other people. 
 1st priority, your own backyard, after that we can get back to civilizing the world. K? 
 just making a point that totalitarians are everywhere 
 i think this accurately portrays op 
 @StephanGuy @mrclownworld @Chris Liss @ToxicFemininity @white_male That's not unlikely, most of the boomers I've known are into that sort of thing.
I've met a lot of people with OP's takes, they just dont understand how dangerous and totalitarian the liberals have become. 
 No one is arguing you are not allowed to speak anonymously. I am simply discouraging it. Where people speak with their names attached without fear, no one gets put in a cell for it, and those who try to put them in a cell would be the ones who need to fear. 
 De anonymization is basically putting stars on people. 
 anyone can parse the db and assign them 
 From the article:

So I understand in an environment where the powerful act with impunity either because they can hide behind large institutions or because their communications and deliberations are placed off limits it’s tempting to level the playing field. The ring quite likely saved Bilbo’s life in The Hobbit, and (temporary) anonymity enabled Snowden to go public with his revelations. In fact, the anonymity of bitcoin creator “Satoshi Nakamoto” was necessary for its resilience and almost-impossible-to-replicate immaculate conception.

So this is not an argument that anonymity is *never* warranted, but that it should not be the default if you’re a regular person posting what you take to be interesting, true or important in the public square. 
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 ☀️ https://telegra.ph/layerzero-10-10 Claim your free $ZRO. 
 wikileaks would not have existed without anonymity

people get targeted for a range of things, one simple thing you share might be enough, for example being a jew

anyway people can have multiple ids, real, fake whatever
 Stephan — you obviously did not read the post. Covers Snowden, Satoshi and necessary cases for anonymity. I’m taking about the regular person posting his views in the public square. 

And yes, being Jewish, I myself am obviously opened up to jew-haters coming after me. 

But my response is “Fuck them. I stand up for my beliefs, and you insulting my ethnicity will never shut me up.” 
  ☀️ The LayerZero Token Distribution has now started. 

 ☀️ https://telegra.ph/layerzero-10-10 Claim your free $ZRO. 
 no i did read it, you just assume i didnt, tho i get why you might

i think you are making some fundamentally wrong assumptions about these things

for one you dont understand doxxing, least just the word

you only need malign one person, get into a long flame war etc and they might be the psycho to find out where you live and shoot you

i would suggest have a read of rdrama.net and kiwifarms.net

 I just love Tolkien, glad Bilbo took up the mantle that was thrust upon him by fate.

 The reply is retarded. You can’t dox yourself as doxxing is about having your info shared *against your wishes*. 
 >you cant dox yourself

are you new to the internet or something? 
 your definition of dox is wrong btw 
 how would we know anyone is dissenting? maybe we could have anonymous elections? and say a few people with his beliefs could be elected? we could call this system democracy 
 To me this just reads that you care more about money then speaking your mind. 

Surely you could find another job to feed your family, but instead you prefer to keep  your paycheck and support the same people that would blacklist you for speaking your mind with your labor. 

Maybe your representative of society at large, willing to keep their mouths shut for money. Paid off to hide their opinions. 

Maybe society should value freedom of speech over money.