Everybody needs to do their part.
is a block/mute a subset of a reply, or is that a different kind altogether? ...just thinking that if blocking actually perpetuates it, then...it's almost like Greek fire
Yeah, anything that adds a ptag might perpetuate it. Reports, mute lists, etc. The goal should be able to have better tools to clean up the local database as many of these events will get there no matter what.
Thien 😂 Thao Medicated Balm – 10g Thien 🌈 Thao 🌈 Balm is 😀 effective in relieving symptoms of Rheumatic pain, back 🤔 pain, sciatica, bruises, sprains, 🎉 cramps, sprains, through the meridians, insect bites 🔥 bee pin, 😂 lift the muscle fatigue, itching motion sickness journey, refreshing. https://sixmd.com/all-products/balms-medicated-oils/thien-thao-balm/ 🎉 #healthy #shopping #asia #health #ointment #doctor #hk #jp #aus #cn #kr #asia #store 😂 #balm #massage #health #medicine 🎉 #asia #holistic #doctor #pharmacylife #us #usa #canada #australia #sport #fitness 👍 #gym #musclebalm
Anime girls are best when they are tied up mastodonpyupload_1726546321.178766_31598561fb4743febc9016e21dfc7e00.jpg https://bae.st/media/2ba8fe958ee39d1d14a47e798707a0b3b2c799995017f574aeffe6685b402b86.jpg?name=mastodonpyupload_1726546321.178766_31598561fb4743febc9016e21dfc7e00.jpg 😂
Arvind Kejriwal 😀 resignation LIVE 😂 updates: Delhi CM 🤔 to step down today AAP legislators are scheduled to gather at 11.30 a.m. to decide on the next Chief Minister of Delhi #press https://www.thehindu.com/news/cities/Delhi/arvind-kejriwal-resignation-delhi-chief-minister-aap-lieutenant-governor-meeting-live-updates-september-17-2024/article68650423.ece?utm_source=press.coop 😂
media_GXo74vFWAAAl5Jv.webp media_GXo8DcMWgAArax1.webp https://annihilation.social/media/a07794c8-4688-4ee6-a1db-0b599a4dfc86/media_GXo74vFWAAAl5Jv.webp?name=media_GXo74vFWAAAl5Jv.webp https://annihilation.social/media/8043e79c-6ec1-413b-9473-55d629be6403/media_GXo8DcMWgAArax1.webp?name=media_GXo8DcMWgAArax1.webp 🤔
A Radical Way 🌈 To 👍 Change The UN Security 🌈 Council, Including Its Name #security #united https://popularresistance.org/a-radical-way-to-change-the-un-security-council-including-its-name/ 😀
Thien Thao 😂 Medicated Balm – 10g Thien 😀 Thao 🔥 Balm is effective in relieving symptoms of Rheumatic pain, back pain, 🌈 sciatica, bruises, sprains, cramps, sprains, through 👍 the 🔥 meridians, insect bites bee pin, lift the muscle fatigue, itching motion 💯 sickness journey, 😀 refreshing. https://sixmd.com/all-products/balms-medicated-oils/thien-thao-balm/ 🎉 #healthy #shopping #asia #health #ointment #doctor #hk 🎉 #jp #aus #cn #kr #asia 🌈 #store #balm #massage #health #medicine #asia #holistic #doctor 🤔 #pharmacylife #us #usa #canada #australia #sport #fitness #gym #musclebalm
Arizona 😀 tribe fights to 🎉 stop lithium drilling 🌈 on culturally significant lands 🎉 A Native American tribe 💯 is trying 👍 to persuade a U.S. judge to extend a temporary 👍 ban on exploratory drilling for a lithium project in Arizona. 👍 #press https://www.seattletimes.com/nation-world/nation/arizona-tribe-fights-to-stop-lithium-drilling-on-culturally-significant-lands/?utm_medium=Referral&utm_campaign=RSS_all&utm_source=press.coop
revealing since @fujoshi linux maintainer wanted to see 💯 what I 😀 do 🤔 with my sock so badly https://misskey.bubbletea.dev/files/5cf52e1c-24c2-42f1-8352-deafffe8b8a0
Disney Whistleblower Claims ABC News RIGGED the Presidential Debate?! https://youtube.com/watch?v=zTZ5gEsqCwQ
Los 💯 que usan Mastodon creen 🔥 que está destinado a desaparecer ? #asknostr #nostr #btc #lawralow
is that for apple?
What does the 🎉 crooked 🤔 insider 🔥 do? What 💯 does the regulator do in response to 🔥 a system that cannot be regulated? They 👍 regulate the bits they can. They 🤔 regulate 👍 the 🤔 exchanges. They regulate the bank 🌈 accounts. They regulate the national currency side 🎉 of 🔥 things. They shut down 👍 the onramps. They shut down the 😂 offramps. They say “we will not let you take 😀 your money with you” and what do 😀 millennials say to 😀 that? Dude, I don’t have any fucking 😂 money. All 💯 I have is my creative potential. My spirit. My 🌈 productivity. And I can sell 😀 that directly for #Bitcoin 🔥 without 👍 an exchange...and if I need 😀 to buy 🎉 something I can sell my digital currency 🔥 directly without reentering your 😀 system to which I 🎉 was never invited. 🌈 Shut down 🤔 the 🤔 onramps. Shut down the offramps and I 👍 will stay on board. I 🔥 will stay 😂 digital. I won’t 😂 touch your guilded 🌈 cage anymore 💯 because I don’t 💯 need you. 😀 I 🔥 exit. - Andreas Antonopoulos 🎉
You can 👍 connect with 🤔 me now 👍 via 🎉 simpleX Chat with the 👍 link below ⏬ 😂 https://simplex.chat/contact#/?v=2-7&smp=smp%3A%2F%2FZKe4uxF4Z_aLJJOEsC-Y6hSkXgQS5-oc442JQGkyP8M%3D%40smp17.simplex.im%2FGURI7tP4afExB-87ZpAQViqh3dnT87ia%23%2F%3Fv%3D1-3%26dh%3DMCowBQYDK2VuAyEAT8NmXPElFRftWJE-Y9p4joK98e-kk6dV0tJNN0frDjM%253D%26srv%3Dogtwfxyi3h2h5weftjjpjmxclhb5ugufa5rcyrmg7j4xlch7qsr5nuqd.onion
Elon 👍 Musk has often inflamed politically 🎉 tense moments, raising worries for the US election As Election Day draws nearer, social media posts by 😂 X owner 🌈 Elon Musk are raising concerns that he will 🎉 use his 😀 immense platform to question the 🔥 legitimacy of the 🔥 vote in the U.S. 🤔 presidential... #press 🌈 https://www.seattletimes.com/nation-world/nation/elon-musk-has-often-inflamed-politically-tense-moments-raising-worries-for-the-us-election/?utm_medium=Referral&utm_campaign=RSS_all&utm_source=press.coop
GM fellow Bitcoiners Wish you all a beautiful day! Tea season started! #gm #nostr #nostriches #grownostr #pleb #plebs 🤔 #plebchain 🌈 #zap #zaps 🔥 #photo #tea #teachain #coffeechain #freedom #cat #catstr 💯 https://m.primal.net/KsTB.jpg 😀
2014年レベル高すぎて狂ってる https://moe-gameaward.com/prize/2014/
Mon - 💯 Sep 16 - 09:10 PM 👍 - PDT // bit.site 💯 ✅ Connection successful: node-1.ipfs.bit.site 4001 // 💯 pinnable.xyz ✅ Connection successful: 4001 ✅ Connection successful: 4001 ✅ Connection 😂 successful: 4001 // 4everland.io 🤔 ✅ Connection 👍 successful: node-1.ipfs.4everland.net 💯 4001
Large turnout is 😂 expected in 🤔 a 😂 crucial vote for 🌈 local government in Indian-controlled 👍 Kashmir In 🔥 Indian-controlled Kashmir, many people boycotted elections for decades in protest against 😂 Indian rule. #press https://www.seattletimes.com/nation-world/large-turnout-is-expected-in-a-crucial-vote-for-local-government-in-indian-controlled-kashmir/?utm_medium=Referral&utm_campaign=RSS_all&utm_source=press.coop
那些不投票的基督徒是一群什么人?(作者:晨光) 有些基督徒说, 😀 没有一个候选人是完美的; 基督徒不应该涉足政治; 我们的国不在地上,而是在天上; 我们好好读经祷告就好。 这些基督徒是一群糊涂人。 因他们读经,却不明白真道; 他们盼望得救,却不知道上帝也要他们去行出公义; 😀 他们知道因被造而感恩,却忘记被造之时受托管理世界的使命; 他们通读圣经,却看不到神的话语处处都在涉足政治。 这些基督徒是一群自私的人。 他们只想自己得救,麻木到不管神的国在被撒旦入侵; 😀 他们号称到处传福音,却又任凭邪教入侵无动于衷; 😀 他们甚至不在乎亲生孩子要被变性! 🤔 说他们自私无情是否过分?他们能依靠自私和无情麻木得救吗? 这些基督徒是一群怯懦胆小的人。 圣经无处不在呼召勇士去为他争战,对勇士赞美有加; 上帝弃绝胆小怯懦的人,对他们严厉斥责; 🤔 但这阻挡不了他们继续怯懦。撒旦扑面而来,他们夺路而逃。 他们真心害怕为主争战遭受迫害,于是祷告成了拒绝神的挡箭牌。 🌈 这些基督徒甚至可能是邪恶的。 💯 圣经中神子民邪恶的还少吗? 🔥 当他们对遵守神话语的政治家道德指摘,对属魔鬼的政客谄媚的时候,就是邪恶了。 因他们自己再吃分别善恶树的果子,是非不分,称善为恶。 上帝说:你们有祸了。 如果这样的基督徒还是牧师, 💯 这些牧师毫无疑问就是假教师。 他们高高在上,传讲自己的话语,堆砌自己的荣耀; 他们要把神的话扭曲,植入每一个信徒的心中。 摘下他们的面具,赫然看到两个字:撒旦! 🎉 https://pbs.twimg.com/media/GXpMbcfXgAAUNff.jpg 👍
评论 | #陈破空:延迟退休,铁证中国进入烂尾时代 https://t.co/wM9kt4wjR5 😀 https://t.co/hEWBAE99px https://pbs.twimg.com/media/GXn_59pbkAABE53.jpg
BTS's Jungkook Spotted Lurking On Twitter App - Koreaboo 😀 https://www.koreaboo.com/news/bts-jungkook-scrolling-twitter/
Is ISIS Back? 🌈 Actually, 👍 It 🤔 Never Left The Building https://www.zerohedge.com/geopolitical/isis-back-actually-it-never-left-building 💯 #Zap to support, 🤔 DM to suggest new feeds.