Oddbean new post about | logout
 And that type of hand-holding first needs a very specific kind of developer.  
 Puis pensez à l'ajout des extensions nécessaires pour chaque type d'appareil mobile ou pas pour gérer un portefeuille permettant de contribuer au  zaps . Merci  
 I’m your man! Wd love to tackle this!! 

I have the time, experience, and ample motivation for a “small” project such as this. But I’d need a few sats to afford diving right in. How would I get funded?

 Show proof-of-work (early mornings, weekends), then apply to OpenSats. 
 Proof of work? Like my day jobs or the random hacking I’ve done on coracle, snort, relay-tools, and other bits I’ve hacked on to get oriented to nostr and try to get mvp for vote.gold. The former is not related, while the latter is not impressive, yet. (Really could use a funded side project though) 
 I just mean that your project should exist before you ask for funding for it 
 If I wireframed a novel user experience and a few user flows, and packaged this together documenting my years of experience as in the field and my demonstrated dedication to developing nostr… would that be enough to get funding (assuming they project is desired)? 
 I would break ground first and get an MVP together 
 Finally. After 4.5 months (and a small seed grant) I have (almost mvp) a working client to demonstrate “social onboarding” … 


 Who wants to sponsor a best-in-class dedicated nostr onboarding client?

I’m an experienced UX dev (20 yrs) relatively new to nostr (a few months). I came to build a client for libertarians, but this is not gonna pay for a while. I have been thinking about a dedicated onboarding app for this whole time, so maybe this could be a side project for a few sats to keep me from finding yet another “not nostr” gig. 

Zaps welcome.
 Would love to see what you have in mind since this is a project I want to tackle too leveraging what I demoed a few days ago wrt account creation.

What do you have in mind? Have you put together any sketches or goals, etc? 
 Yes. I saw your video. Haven’t put ideas down formally, but have been thinking about this for a while. Would love love love ❤️ to work with you on this! TBH nobody has more experience with nip-46 than you AND (as your video shows) nip 46 (native or web) key storage will be the glue that plugs new users into the entire Nostr ecosphere.  
 It all starts with a link or a QR code shared by an existing user. THIS “already invested user” is the key to onboarding success missed by others. Leveraging natural relationships to help people explore nostr is the key to keeping them interested.  I’m gonna stay up late tonight to sketch a wireframe that demonstrates how this can work in an onboarding app.  
 Mock-up of new Onboarding client.

Meet Me On Nostr
An app for sharing nostr with friends. 

Do you love to share nostr with friends and family? Could you make use of a “QR code” app to get them signed up, following you, messaging you, and discovering your favorite people in one step?
#grownostr #nostr #onboarding

Feedback requested from nostr advocates, and devs and designers alike. 

(View mock-up on desktop, tablet or big phablet for readability)

 Some think good ideas are like assholes. Everybody’s got one, but only few can act on them. 

As a freelance designer AND developer of SMB and EDU web solutions for over 20 years, i might not be the smartest or most well known asshole in the room, but at least I get shit done.

Whoever thinks nostr needs a dedicated onboarding client, check out this mock-up. With a bit of funding, some nip-46 guidance from pablof, and  coding assistance from a junior Node dev, I am ready to deliver on this for the early new year. 

Please comment with your support. 
 Wondering who might want an onboarding app to support nostr advocates in doing what they do best? 

See mock-up above
Add comment bellow. 

@Derek Ross Ross
@Vitor Pamplona Pamplona
@Magoo PhD

 We’re in the process of doing user research on this and more generally what will make the new user experience work in a way where they stick around and keep using nostr.  
 Does your research involve leveraging “in person” or “existing” social connections? 

There are a lot of hurdles (technical and conceptual) in nostr onboarding.  GUI flows won’t tackle them all, but lots can be accomplished by having a real life friend to help pave the way. 

How has you researched looked at this variable? Have you considered what experienced wd be beneficial to grow the  advocate base? Thanks.  
 Word of mouth promotion. Local onboarding support. Social  recommendation engines. Web of trust solutions.

Because nostr is a “different kind” of social network, developing tools for nostr advocates to share nostr with family and friends is how nostr will grow and scale. 

How can I help?
 Send him all your sats and your ideas! 

 Let's chat.  Do you code or just design UI/UX? 
 I’m competent with code. Was freelancing solutions for clients before UX was a profession. LOL.