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 **Report Claiming Net Zero Will Cost UK Trillions Retracted Due To 'Factual Errors'**

A report that hugely overestimated the cost to the UK of reaching net zero emissions has been retracted by the thinktank that published it. From a report: The Civitas pamphlet published on Thursday claimed to offer a "realistic" estimate of the cost -- $5.4tn -- and said "the government needs to be honest with the British people." However, factual errors were quickly pointed out after publication. The most serious error was the confusion by the report's author, Ewen Stewart, between power capacity in megawatts (MW) with electricity generation in megawatt hours (MWh). As a result, he presented an unrealistic "$1.57m per MWh" figure for the cost for onshore wind power. The true number is more than 10,000 times lower at about $60.3 to $84 per MWh. Another error was mixing up billions with trillions. A statement on the Civitas website said: "This report has been taken down from the website because it was found to contain factual errors, it is undergoing revision and a fresh process of peer review. A revised report will be released when this process is completed."

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Read more of this story (https://news.slashdot.org/story/23/10/03/148246/report-claiming-net-zero-will-cost-uk-trillions-retracted-due-to-factual-errors?utm_source=rss1.0moreanon&utm_medium=feed) at Slashdot.
