Google - 12000 laid off - jan 20th 2023 Microsoft - 10000 laid off - jan 18th 2023 Amazon - 18000 laid off - jan 4th 2023 Salesforce - 8000 laid off - jan 4th 2023 Facebook - 11000 laid off - nov 9th 2023
Looks like the growth stocks, and stay-at-home stock companies are cutting like crazy, according to this tracker its already at 55 970 layoffs and counting, I wonder how this ripples into the rental market, auto loan and mortgage market thats a lot of people who cant pay bills [](
This is something that can have potentially devastating consequences by constraining future pipelines and leaving the industry in a multi generational gap of staff & principals a couple of decades down. Obv not good for the long term health of innovation.
What’s the tl;dr on Strike?