Oddbean new post about | logout
 You shouldn't touch peppers and proceedingly pick your nose, just saying.

GN 👋 
 Lol 🫂 Gn Sergio 
 Nor try removing contact lenses, or peeing. Had a rough afternoon, one time at summer camp…. 
 Yes. Also don't touch your penis. 
hh | 2 days ago (raw) | root | parent | reply | flag +1
 Or somebody else's penis/vagina.  
 Yes. This is true. 
 Contact lenses are annoying at the best of times. Adding a burn factor… makes my eyes water just thinking about it. 😭 
 Lol 100% 
 I hate the jalapeno eye scratch 😭 
 I've learned that lesson too, after more burning nostrils then I'd care to acknowledge 😂 
 Nunca 😅 
 I was dicing chili's one day and proceeded to itch the corner of my eye. You shouldn't do that either. 
 GN 😴 
 Man I’ve got some news for you about orther things you shouldn’t do…