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 I have never had less faith in our political parties and leaders than I do now

I have never had more belief that they will do whatever they can to hold on to power, their order, and continue wars both domestic and abroad 

The system is entirely broken and beyond repair. Many hoped Obama would create a new path, or Bernie, or for some even Trump. That didn’t happen. 

We as Americans must choose a new path forward. What tools will we use? How will we come together to seek truth and collaboration? How will we upend power from the 1%, and return power to the people and overcome political dogma? 

Is there a way? 
 This is a powerful statement, but holds even more weight knowing that you have spent many many hours looking for a solution through the political system. 

I only see one way forward, a radical change in thought that is diametrically opposed to the existing system, bitcoin and other tools are our chosen methods to enact this change. 
 Stop voting for and giving money to the major parties.

I can’t believe I’m believing and saying this to people these days given I’ve always aimed for harm reduction and pragmatism. 

But we are all sitting on an extremely powerful tool that nobody seems to wield correctly—a simple ass vote. Just vote for the person you agree with most, regardless of how likely they are to win. 
 I know your feeling. Tomorrow Javier Milei will start his 4 years presidential period as the first libertarian president in Argentina after 100 years. My last hopes are there. 
 There are two ways forward: we can try to be very sly and change the way the game is played, or we can resort to violence. 

We should try the first option until every avenue is exhausted, and we still have a few allies in Congress like Rep. Thomas Massie. 

But also, own a rifle and be ready to use it. I very much believe it may come to that. I hope not, but history offers very little in the way of examples of governments ceding power back to the people.  
 I can think of exactly zero examples… 
 Your statement is true for the majority of voters worldwide, people who still believe our leaders mean the best. being from Europe same is happening here, however we need to vote otherwise there won’t be any change. I noticed that RFK Jr is very much silenced all over the world, not much in the news in the US and nothing at all in the EU news, however he has very good statements and he is a man for the people, i would put my vote for him and hope that with RfK Jr as president he will have a positive influence to the rest of the world’s political parties. 

Has anyone ever given up power willingly?

People working to preserve their power is normal human behavior. 
 Narrator: It’s a global problem and humans suck😂 
 A #Bitcoin revolution 
 Yup. Buy Bitcoin. 
 Says the*progressive* who supports expansion of federal power at every turn. It's almost like your talking about*conserving* the role or a federal government. Numb-nuts. 
 Build tools that replace the state. @Aaron Daniel has done some amazing work on this front. See his paper on replacing state courts: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1O7BlWJKdNNyjorkaoCS7dY_6k6Y1lvdp0B4EH60JC08/edit?usp=drivesdk, I found it extremely uplifting. 
 Vivek 2024 
 Forget politics and cooperate with those that are willing to cooperate. 1 by 1 
 Best hope is kennedy24.com and here is my donation link

Bitcoin, Credit Card, or Check accepted.

 Politicians in an archaic system are not an answer, despite who they are.  They still have to operate in a system they don't control & that has far too many moving parts to be a positive, cohesive unit for humanity.  
 The intent was a government for the people by the people. Clearly that is not the case today. 
 Yes.  It's been corrupted far beyond any semblance of repair. I don't believe system apparatuses of that size can actually be fixed. A new one needs to be put in place. For now, I simply remove as many dollars from that system and inject them into another one so they can't be used against me or someone else later.  
 Politics is a distraction. These psychopaths in charge are robbing the populace and people still think it's a matter of putting a new captain on the Titanic. Build local community, find like minded individuals and find peace where you can.  
 We win by taking the power from the government by taking away their number one power source - the dollar by creating circular Bitcoin circular economies , not through politicians. 
 Buy Bitcoin. Stop voting. Try to love thy neighbor as thyself while it all goes to shit. It’s toast, brother. There’s no fixing it. Period. And I wish that were some irrational pessimism talking. 
 look into the purpose of your existence, look into Islam, read the Quran. because bitcoin is all well and a good tool to use, it doesn't answer existential questions or solve everything. 
 Not until it collapses
Most people wouldn’t understand or know where you are coming from at this point in time 
 Encourage people to read "Most Dangerous Superstition" by Larken Rose.

"When enough people understand reality, tyrants can literally be ignored out of existence. They can't ever be voted out of existence."
Larken Rose 
 I think it’s through Bitcoin and “Web3”. Got to look past the corruption. That’s what they want you to see. Lots of people building. They just don’t get the attention 
 That sounds like a lot of work. Hey can you do that and I'll hop onto the bandwagon once this train of yours gets rolling. 
 It was always broken. You just could not tweet about it. 
 I live in Kyiv. Air defense systems from US literally saving lives here. So I don't think your government doing only wrong things. And I don't think US continues war in Ukraine. Russia invaded my country in the spirit of 19th century imperial warfare. I don't see anything wrong with your country disagreeing with it. And I don't see where here the motivation to stay in power.
My feeling is that you want to destroy both the good and the bad that you have in your country. 
 You are right,up to now America still is the greatest country all over the world. I wish US could keep good and abandon bad. 
 Guys, please don't be Bitcoin lunatics. Bitcoin can't solve everything. If some religious fanatics want to have a war they will have it. They don't care about bitcoin. You can't stop wars with Bitcoin. Stop repeating this 
 Divided, we fall.  
 #1. Fix the money. #2. Make America virtuous again. I recommend reading the essay by Father Sirico: Toward a Free & Virtuous Society: https://www.acton.org/pub/religion-liberty/volume-12-number-2/toward-free-and-virtuous-society
In it, Father's Sirico postulates that a people cannot acquire & maintain Liberty w/out simultaneously maintaining virtue in perpetuity. I agree. 
 I just wrote about this yesterday actually. 

 Was a huge Bernie supporter, but seeing how the Dem Party treating him, was disabused of all thought that anything good could be accomplished through our political system. Bitcoin is the revolution. 
 Feel the same unfortunately 
 I live in Western Europe. This problem is everywhere in the West. The .GOV politicians and heavily subsidised wage-earners do nothing to fix, yet feed off, a flawed system. Therefore, all you can do is watch it collapse in slow pieces and be opportunistic how you rebuilt it all. 
 Unfortunately people on both sides are controlled to some degree by the system.  Despite that system being weaponized against them, they're still completely dependent on it because they're unaware what other options exist. 

Further, that same system keeps all of them divided into numerous factions so that they never realize that the system itself is the problem. Instead they're convinced that their fellow Americans are the real threat and that neither side obeys enough. 

I believe the key isn't fighting a corrupt system apparatus like that, but instead delegating your time and energy to another one entirely that doesn't hold you or your resources hostage. Doing that also robs the other system of what it relies on - your time and resources.