For me #bitcoin is hope, I can receive digital money from anywhere in the world, instantly, anonymously, without any intermediary, and with very low fees for the sender, and use it to pay my mother’s nursing home. I think there is nothing like bitcoin. Unfortunately nobody around me likes #bitcoin , they just see scam news on the media about “cryptos”. Others think #btc is too volatile and/or they don’t have money to risk, they prefer to buy dollars as a store of value, put their pesos in a fixed-term deposit (45% APY with annual inflation = 218%), or buy durable goods, as a way to lose less.
It's funny you mention fees. It's a real shame eth gas fees became so infamous because that's often what outsiders think of when they think of crypto trading. It certainly put me off the whole idea of tokens and nfts. As you say btc fees are nothing like that but a lot of that mud stuck and vitalik bears a lot of that shame. Eth trading never should have gone crazy like that.