Pavel Durov Released on €5M Bail, Won't Be Allowed to Leave France - "The 39-year-old billionaire’s case is an unprecedented test of the power of governments over multinational tech companies operating under widely varying laws around the world. Durov’s Telegram is unusual for being run from a nonaligned Middle Eastern country, the United Arab Emirates, and for declaring that it shares no information with authorities anywhere about messages or activities on the site." - It is absurd to suggest Durov could be implicated in any crime committed on the app, Durov’s lawyer, David-Olivier Kaminski, told the AFP news agency, adding: "Telegram complies in all respects with European rules concerning digital technology."
Thinking about the last sentence from a privacy perspective. I don’t want to use an app that must follow all the oppressive regulations from all the governments in the world. Then essentially I live in the most authoritarian state, because my speech is regulated globally. Nostr doesn’t need to follow these rules, it’s just a protocol. If they came after Will and said Damus had to give someone up, he doesn’t control the relays. So it really comes down to the relay owners. Many jurisdictions, many relays, and it slowly trends towards censorship resistance.
This is a perfect example of overreaching. If you somehow - against all odds - stop being a nobody and start accumulating power&wealth, you will inevitably be undone by the statists. This evidence speaks for itself: he was fucked in his native Russia; he fled to the West. Now the West is fucking him. Even the Arabs can't help him. This is the result you get when you stop being an extension of the agendas that work to keep the power structure unhinged. nostr:nevent1qqsvzqvgqd9uevmen73znsf7p5aupeqndhgfnhg2c9usmly3pw2u6wcppemhxue69uhkummn9ekx7mp0qgstnffh2gam5t7d46zhmyxc5asdunep88yljrvcda68ee7sasx3w0grqsqqqqqphm8xyn