Oddbean new post about | logout
 New content is coming, for whatever time I have left. Just had to do all that grieving first, sorry about the wait etc. 
 I’m going to be honest with you, I’ve lived through a lot of shit in 34 years. I came out at 12 years old in 2002. I have seen terrorism, economic collapse, pandemics, fires, hurricanes, I’ve been exploited and assaulted and hate crimed. I’ve had near death experiences and horrible accidents.

I have never been so scared in my life as I am at the next five years, let alone after that. I finally have something to say and a way to say it and people who want to hear it and it’s never been harder. 😩 
 Earnest posting on main but I really do appreciate this tiny safe haven. I do believe things like the Fediverse will save us. One day far away and very soon. 
 @53de482a I hope you're right.  We need something. 
 @53de482a word. We need to grow hearth & fire; cultural sanctuary for tired poor huddled youth seeking space to celebrate joy—especially where it's hard won among lives held at arms' length from opportunity.

We hit an inflection point in 2020 as we all lifted up and began to float through a cultural shakedown we see better in the rearview through pangs that bend our lives to paint around what’s gone. fediverse good but we all need to concretize at our respective scalably-sane local level. 
 😔 https://www.thepinknews.com/2023/10/05/x-twitter-report-system-transphobia/ 
 I debated even acknowledging this, but since she is a major part of a major show on a major femme-forward network, I’d like to also point out that the call is coming from inside the house https://www.thepinknews.com/2023/10/05/martina-navratilova-drag-queen/ 
Absolutely. I’ve heard about Navratilova. She’s lesbian, but she’s also a TERF. It’s certainly disappointing, but unfortunately there are lots of examples of people all too eager to shut the door behind them. 
 @53de482a Entirely. Also, while we're being showbiz and exposing who we really are by our actions, her relationship with her wife on RH made her seem like quite the bully and generally a pretty cold person. We should start calling her the Margaret Court of Tennis Lesbians or some such, just to accentuate the bigoted legacy of hate she's attached herself to.... 

*But, also, being rich and/or famous is just bad for your basic humanity. We really need to protect people from the mental health dangers of being very wealthy by taxing the fuck out of them.

 @53de482a Martina Navratilova was still alive? Who knew? (Who cares?) 
 @53de482a < think we all suffer a lack of ability to understand the suffering of others, even when it parallels our own. We can at best, sympathize. At worst, we tend to deny the existence of others' pain. 

Or, it could be she lives a life of privilege. 
 @53de482a cuando vas a denunciar siempre te hacen la pregunta: ¿seguro que no es por tu identidad de género? 
 @53de482a of course. 
 @53de482a eh, personally i knew this was going to happen. i don't except anything else. as long as the fediverse is unaffected, then we should be okay. 
 @53de482a Yeah, I getcha. I've been around since the year of the force, and I’m frightened for my family's safety going forward. I'm of Jewish descent, despite not looking like it or ever practicing. I have never seen more anger at anyone even remotely connected with the Jewish faith more than I have in the last decade.

So, if this is what I'm seeing, what are those in even more marginalized groups facing? Far worse, I see. 

We might need our own Battle of Cable Street in the U.S. 
 @53de482a Coming out at 12 must have been terrifying.  You have great courage.  I’m glad you’re here to share your story 
 @53de482a the gen xer in me wanted post a joke because you didn’t have through and traumatized by 80s fashion trends, but I relate to every experience you named (except coming out at 12) and the truth is that life does suck at this point in history. It is hard and scary 

I’ve been struggling a lot lately with PTSD related to being stabbed last year. 

And I’m not sure I see life getting any better or easier in the foreseeable future. 

Thanks for honesty and know you’re not alone. 
 @53de482a and as far as the 80s fashion, I saw someone rocking a mullet yesterday and that in itself scared me. 

I feel you. I feel that.