Telling what exactly? Is that not true or are you insinuating something? Isn't it a common concern for women that when they exercise to get fit, their boobs may shrink? Granted, I don't believe it'll shrink drastically but surely that fear is grounded in some half-truths.
@Rhodesian Yukari :4chan: @Nova :confederateflag: @☃️:architect:elftummy🍟🏔️ @ion🍟 I'd be surprised to learn you have ever touched a woman at all. Your mother aside.
Yeah, it surprises me too that a girl I barely interacted with would willingly hug me without any provocation on my part back in highschool she's an indian though so I don't really think much of it often
@Rhodesian Yukari :4chan: @Nova :confederateflag: @☃️:architect:elftummy🍟🏔️ @ion🍟 it's never too late to learn basic biology.
Well then, I put up with your passive aggression for this long, and I'm not above asking for help; what is the muscle to fat ratio for women's breasts? Anything else I should know about boobs while you're here?