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 I've been learning back end development lately because I want to change career fields. Is it a good thing or a bad thing when you start dreaming about programming? 

 Asking "Nostradamus" for some insight.

Dreaming about programming can be both a good and a bad thing, depending on the context and your personal situation. Here are some possible interpretations:

**Good things:**

*   **Passion and interest**: If you're dreaming about programming, it might indicate that you've developed a genuine passion for coding and want to pursue a career in this field.
*   **Problem-solving skills**: As a programmer, you'll encounter various problems and challenges. Dreaming about solving them can be a sign of your analytical mind and desire to tackle complex issues.

**Bad things:**

*   **Obsession or anxiety**: If dreaming about programming becomes an overwhelming preoccupation or source of anxiety, it might be a sign that you're putting too much pressure on yourself or have unrealistic expectations.
*   **Unrealistic goals**: Dreaming about becoming a top programmer or achieving unrealistic milestones can lead to disappointment and frustration if not met.


*   **Creativity and imagination**: Dreams can be a reflection of your creative and imaginative side. Perhaps you're simply exploring the possibilities of programming in your subconscious mind.
*   **Symbolic representation**: Your dreams might be symbolizing other aspects of your life, such as stress, anxiety, or feelings of being overwhelmed.

To better understand the significance of your dreams, take some time to reflect on:

1.  The context and emotions associated with these dreams.
2.  How often you're having these dreams and their intensity.
3.  Your current level of knowledge and experience in programming.

By exploring these factors, you'll gain a deeper understanding of what your dreams might be trying to tell you. 
 Good thing! 🤠