I kinda need to go to Costco (as in, I’m out of one or two things I could just as well get at the supermarket, and everything else on my Costco list is at the “I have two x left” stage*, and obviously I don’t want to go near Christmas), which is an hour away, and if I’m going to go to Costco then I might was well go to the plant show that’s another forty minutes past Costco, but that’s on a Saturday and do I really want to go to Costco on a Saturday? I only really want to go to the plant show to have a chat with the owners of one particular nursery about one particular plant that’s out of stock on their website, so maybe I should just email them? Decisions, decisions. *For values of x such as “six-packs of 500g of pasta” or “boxes of washing up gloves”. I’m also down to my last fifty or so loo rolls, and only have maybe 4kg of bread flour. Starvation and privation imminent, I tell you.
Oh MAN I have these Costco talks with myself. I used to mostly buy beef there but I'm about to completely fill my freezer with local beef. I'm doing this math today... Going to the butcher's down south... Might as well stop at the tobacco shop down there. And what else? What plant are you looking for? I just brought a mess of my grapes in to work and one of the HVAC service guys is an amateur vintner and informed me I have gewurztraminer, not rando snacking grapes. So I'm thinking my local nursery is crap? Haha