@1034eae5 I do want to admit I tried to make Goblin Princess the host of dice.camp #rogule daily megathread but it didn't stick. I guess it is a good thing because I never asked you if you'd like to. @855f687c @c6d0b972 @66ede490 (also ping other dice.camp rogule enjoyers) would you like to participate in something like this? Post all our scores in one person's thread in order to share it and talk about the game? We'll talk it out who would host it.
@c2acbfae @1034eae5 @c6d0b972 @66ede490 I like the idea, but between my often-unpredictable sleep schedule and the fact that people are keeping me too damned busy these days for me to catch up to the current day, I don't think I can be the host for it. (Not to mention, I often don't remember to do Rogule until I see a Rogule post...)