each thing comes forth and confirms — haiku there's not anything that can't inspire (me) because life is one big inspiration of things that confirm our very own existence. how can that not be an inspiration in each and every moment no matter how we spin it? certainly your questions inspire refection, for example. sorry about the preudo-Dōgen 3 liner but it's fun and he said it best so i'm riffing on Dōgen riffing on future me. here's the full section by Dōgen, from the Genjo Koan (the first sentence is about psychological projection (delusion). he sometimes called it leaking.) "To carry the self forward and illuminate myriad things is delusion. That myriad things come forth and illuminate the self is awakening. Those who have great realization of delusion are buddhas; those who are greatly deluded about realization are sentient beings. Further, there are those who continue realizing beyond realization, who are in delusion throughout delusion. When buddhas are truly buddhas, they do not necessarily notice that they are buddhas. However, they are actualized buddhas, who go on actualizing buddha." — Dōgen
Dont feel sorry i like reading your viewpoints if not challenges
🙏 I'm more admonishing myself for pseudo-copying him and it not really being a haiku. i was being a little stinky (with Zen) but hey... 🤷♂️😇 i like your questions. 💖