Oddbean new post about | logout
 In Bitcoin Core datacarrier=0 does not work, it seems that it has a bug and they are not very interested in fixing it, very well, Bitcoin Knots will now be my node.

 You still have to validate when shitcoining transactions are included in blocks, so I guess there is no **real** difference. 
 Yes, right, but I have no other way to protest 😂  
 Are you sure?

Yesterday’s, and we don’t even realize what yesterday changed from.

Not grasping that temporal differences? https://image.nostr.build/de5d89fb9f3af50f6b0fb964484ecac208c859772e56eece868a653d9445a9a4.jpg https://image.nostr.build/eaaf5a21d5131488cb61c3db353568fdd4ca87ff8cd3c42824218cb63d98c04f.jpg  