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Gigi | 14 days ago (raw) | export | reply | flag +113
 We are not fighting the monster. The monster is fighting us.  
 We are merely living our lives with enjoyment and striving for freedom and it offends the monster. Enrages it beyond measure because we did it without permission and its blessing. Proving it is not necessary.  
 Bottom ⬆️🧡🦾 
 what if there is no monster, and it is just our fear? 
 And the monster’s only strength is tricking you into using your own strength against yourself out of fear that it has more strength than you. 
 Love the monster anyway Gigi. 
 But what if the monster is actually us? 👀 
 It is- there is no they 
 The monster will make us stronger  
 the monster is fighting itself 
 Since all things are ultimately good for #Bitcoin

I’m going out on a limb and saying the monster, too, will be benefit Bitcoin in the long run 

For people will run from the monster to the Orange Coin 
 It's true, it did initiate the aggression. We are only trying to defend ourselves. 
 I feel unprepared to defend....
Though I'd love to be ready to go on the offense. 
Might just be a matter of how I imagine the battle in my head...
 Yes sir! Just like Bitcoin is not going up in price, all prices are falling again Bitcoin. 
 The monster is spinning in a circle 50 times, putting on a blindfold, and throwing hail mary punches.